Friends! We’re doing a one shot today! With some silly librarians 😂
Please come and join us and if you stream after 10pm PST, let me know so I can raid yaaaa!!

Today 7pm PST

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Hey 👋 I'm currently building an A.I. powered generation tool for GMs. It helps create monsters, plot hooks, NPCs and all kinds of inspiration for your adventures.

If that sounds helpful please sign up to get early access when we launch. ⬇️

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During tommorow's session new group of adventurers gathered information about deeds of previous party and began their quest to deliver cursed wizard to the Abbey of the Just Hammer, in order to lift wizard's curse.

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Posting this as much for myself these days as anyone else, but my Nerds this is exactly my message.

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My Druid Dream dice set from came in!! I'm SO HYPE! Syldhwen has her dice set now!! I'll need to make a new sketch featuring this array of flowers in her hair. Can't wait to use these dice next time we play !!

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Morning all! I'm a former production artist slowly going freelance as a fantasy artist/illustrator. I'm also a writer, designer, and overall a fan of RPGs, D&D and otherwise. Open for commissions!

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Seeking the ultimate dungeon? Like our Why not give us a share or a buck? $25 get you the first 5 chapters/500 rooms fully laid out and ready to master!

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Heeelloooo We are A D&D 5e Actual play podcast with an all female cast (including our lovely DM). We're releasing our 7th episode Monday! Come check us out!

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In case you haven't noticed, it's Show me your-
rpg merch!
dice collections!

All of it! Show me it all!

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Ep 11: A Classic Quest, No Twists. The Nearlies embark on an industry standard task: Giant Rats in the Basement. Ok, there ARE a couple of twists, the title is a lie.

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It's Tuesday, my night!!

Comment below with a question today and I'll answer as my character, Rallrye. I need some roleplay warmups!

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Woo! Thank you everyone for getting me to 900 followers! That means we are only 100 away from a for a full set! I don’t say it enough but I love and appreciate each and every one of you.

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So we will have out episode dropping soon!!!

So in the meantime why not enjoy ’s RMX of our intro music...


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Hey it's

Who's advice to you go to for finding new homebrews?

Tag them below! 🔽🔽🔽

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Mike looked across at each of his companions, gathered in a circle before the fire. In every glazed eye he saw pride reflected back. They had all united a nation. Together they had done this. Together they could do anything. Hands. Happiness. Hope.

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We only have days left! Like our Why not give us a share or a buck? $25 get you the first 5 chapters/500 rooms fully laid out and ready to master!

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☀️ Latest commission finished! A fun half-elf monk from a fiverr customer!
I still have slots open if anyone is interested!

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I’m Rich, the creator of the As I’ve been a support worker for most of my life, you’ll find I’m the same here. If you ever need to talk, not just about your struggles, but equally about realising your creative ambitions, my DMs are always open.

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