Well it took the whole night tonight but I think it was worth it!

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Missileside and five Pathfinders finished this weekend.

12/365 models painted, tomorrow I should catch up with the number of days that have passed!

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Had a first pass at my mawkrusha base! Another layer of snow to go to fill in a few bits and give more volume. Once fatty is in place I'll do some more ork on the rock so it doesn't look so stark 😁

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Chapter Master Lox Kaitana’s repaint began today after a while deliberating on what colour his cloak should be. I went with grey in the end!

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Got some progress in on these guys whilst watching the latest from , thanks for the entertainment guys!

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Guess who's done.

My first model of 2019 is Farty McFly. 😂

I tried to make him look as much like an ascended Death Guard as I could so I went with a paint scheme that matched my army as closely as possible.

This was a speed paint and I love him. 😆

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such a great idea :) here's a close up on Hagbards abs from You can find tutorials about painting what's in the picture on https://t.co/DpLOjGRDhY ;) Regards :)

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First mini in 2019 is finished. I may make the base slightly brighter later when I'll be painting his friend, but haven't decided yet. Blackstone Fortress minis are awesome and I can't wait to paint more.

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Today is Da Day! are up for so what a better way to kerb your enthusiasm for another week than to be recreated in all your shroomy-glory! £25 for a digital portrait, I do other options too!

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A few quick notes on the AoS content in the January 2018 White Dwarf if you are considering whether to pick one up :)

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Storm Eagle Assault Gunship WIP.

The Thunderhawk's smaller cousin is a great looking model and now it's almost complete I'm able to appreciate the sweet design.

The kit isn't an easy build but everything fits and lines up 😊

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Hey all, I jotted down some notes through 's interview on Warhammer TV this evening. A few more tidbits on the Gloomspite Gitz and their development.


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Start the new year off with a bang! I still have some portrait slots left, Goblin or otherwise.

Just drop me a DM or email jon.scrivens.com and I’m here to help :)

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Wife and son went to bed so for the first time in years, I've had a solo NYE! Getting stuck back into Had fun doing some building as wasn't in a painty mood 😁 still need some tidying and greenstuff

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Table is set for tonight’s game against bringing out my Knights for the first time so not a clue how they’ll do and don’t know what to expect with the new Chapter Approved 18 missions. Can’t wait!

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Wow, well now I have the models in person, these facial sculpts are really fantastic.

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need something to listen to while you drive to your families this Christmas Eve? Well we’ve got you covered with the newest episode of Legends of the Warp. Give it a listen at the following link. https://t.co/bHPxhBDgxg

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