Actual footage from one of Trump’s fragile-ego-repair KKKult rallies.

27 67

The only thing Trumpflakes loathe more than grammar, brown people, and making a cogent point is a mirror to remind them that the rest of the world sees them for what they really are.

30 70

"Ya moron !"
Note : I found this artwork on the official website of Xenosaga I.II (Nintendo DS) :

5 12

HBD to our very own taxpayer-funded professional liar. Hope the next 36 years are spent atoning for your belligerence against transparency and overall corruptive complicity.

22 54

Actual photo of Devin Nunes at a fundraiser where he was secretly recorded admitting that spineless servility for the president comes before his constitutional obligation.

40 114

The Next Big Thang In the words of Vizziny from the PrincessBride..” SamCooke, Al Green, StevieWonder?... Morons.” (said with a lisp) Total joke! Those guys are legends and it’s risky to make this claim about LeonBridges after only two albums but it feels legit to talk like this

0 22

Day 558.1: Fancy book-learning is for coastal elite livin’ zeppelin merchants.

32 71

I SWEAR I'M SORRY FOR POSTING THIS BUT AAAAAAAAA just looking at this yellow moron's smile makes me feel better when I'm upset. So thank you for that, Jyushi (lmao) 💛💕

0 1

did i ever post my moron’s ref here lol

1 9

Hello all the new followers :D I know I’m late, but here’s a little birthday drawing of your friendly neighborhood moron.

126 350

Day 547: In which a stable genius prefers his questions in the vein of a Highlights Magazine word jumble.

35 64

bakukamijirou... one moron and two moronsexuals

26 81

Twitter post to match the Instagram one from yesterday:
This is Lillian, my Goblin Assistant OC for
Well, she's not MY assistant. She works for some lunkhead Hero type, & it sucks, because he's a moron... But it's a living.

1 3

Day 539: In which it’s a good thing for this man-sized sack of sun-bleached kangaroo meat that his supporters are basically the Eric Trumps of deductive reasoning.

34 64

Thank god I met your stupid ass lmao I'd be pretty lost without you here now, , thanks for sticking by me, even when I'm an absolute moron. I luv you bb 💜

1 32

fanservice is great n all but im moronsexual so i dream of summer raven who angrily kicks sand at his enemies as his weapon

157 400

Saber: "Archer, have you heard that there has been a person who has been calling the police over cold McDonalds fries and a burger?"
Archer: "Tsk... only a moron would do that..."

72 314