archiving doodles i dont want to lose-- my computer is dying (sorry if theres reposts, and these are old)

0 3 CRY BABY (Missions/ミッションズ 『最相葉月/キメラの記憶』番外)2016年。

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I'm just archiving this stupid take. Don't engage this dumbass. Darwyn Cooke is no longer with us but had a longer, more memorable run in the very industry that you got yourself kicked out of. Stop trying to recruit people to your harassment campaign that barely knew you existed.

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As a reminder, I have a toyhouse! It's the place I rely on for archiving all my characters and so that I draw from time to time, I still have a lot to update... But I totally will update it! hahaha... Here's the link if you happen to be curious

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Hope you have a fantastic day!
Here is a small sketch gift <3 Your OCs new outfit is wonderful 🌺 I wish you and your streaming career all the best. I'm following you for such a long time, I'm 100% sure you are capable of archiving everything!

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have started using my Old Old ig acc that my family follow again but the layout after archiving Everything embarrassing 2011 me has said its just half cursed half aesthetic

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Continuing on my archiving, I've scanned the covers to my black label copy of Castlevania Symphony of the Night!

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I was archiving old Instagram posts just now and found this picture of me in 2012. I had totally forgotten just how far I’ve come and how hard I’ve worked since then. I’m so grateful for this little reminder. 🙏🏻

You can do it. I promise you can.

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The afternoon panel will focus on curating, collecting & archiving illustration, with:
-Kim Conaty & Farris Wahbeh
-Jonathan Weinberg, Maurice Sendak Foundation, & Clara Nguyen
-Erin Curtis

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quick mayar ref--will do a cool full thing of him eventually. Im jus gonna slap him here for archiving reasons heee hoo cause use twitter to save all my doodles /dies

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So teifling rogue wont second in the poll so i went ahead and drew her up, archiving the footage for a future speedpaint. I've never used such a dark color pallet on a teifling, but was fun to try! She is now owned by a close friend who purchased her design from me <3

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Archiving some stuff too quick to make the cut for proper reblogging

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SKINFOLK is a grassroots collaborative multi-sensory cultural "skinography" project dedicated to archiving and celebrating the headwrap journeys of Black communities throughout the African Diaspora. See short film on Tacoma resident Sheree Cooks on 2/25:

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I've been scanning & archiving old projects each morning. Here are sketches and comps for the cover to Dragon magazine, issue 270. More tomorrow!

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Purging & archiving sketchbooks. Horses!

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Ough! Anti-computermouse images on site about Repetitive strain injury (RSI), a very common condition of internet users between 1995 and 2004. at which support of

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Vivre Card Databook - Index Set (just archiving all the stuff I tweeted out)

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small update on the archiving project:
10 of their sketchbooks have been scanned, totaling over 500 pages. Once all their material is scanned, we'll work on what would be the best way to present them. For now, here's some highlights with digital cleanup done by

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More of them. I'm so so so happy bulbapedia is archiving these.
I wish pokemon company would re-release their early packs, with the same card art and covers

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archiving some old art and ape escape 3 is still so good

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