Mycena Cave Dawntlet, Day 11 - Wake

Her hair/bangs are shorter than they should be oop X3;

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Mycena Cave Drawntlet, Day 8 - Promise

Mine and a friend's characters on MC, Bleached and Bacchus ^_^

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I'm making a webtoon anime concept based on Mycenaean and Greek mythology. It is the story of Teiresias and a Fury who fell in love. There's a lot of gender ambiguity.

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Mycena Cave Drawntlet, Day 2 - Chill

" Sometimes getting a chill down your spin can be literal, too…"

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Mycena Cave Drawnlet, Day 1 - Turn

" You’ll find them where the road turns into the woods. Sometimes curfews are put in place for a reason."

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sketched my oc Omelas for the Drawntlet event on he's a faerie prince - trying to teach myself how to draw again 😭

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The autumn wind carries fallen leaves, fluffy clouds, and ... fish! Previews for the November OotS, Anemoi, and its accompanying item set are up now!

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Mycena Enoki, my Cleric, made for Ren's upcoming one-shot! I'm really looking forward to this one. 🍄💃

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Muchas películas de terror y suspenso transcurren en el interior de una cabina de avion... pero has visto alguna donde los protagonistas sean atacados por hongos gigantes? cosas absurdas que se me ocurren, en el reto de día 9 del

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Greek Bronze Age wall paintings from Mycenae. Over 3,000 years old. On display at the National Archaeological Museum in Athens .

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Day 3: Gliophorus psittacinus
Day 4: Mycena intterupta

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Four more gold funeral masks found in the shaft graves of Grave Circle A on the Mycenaean Acropolis, dated 16th century BC.

Schliemann thought he’d discovered the tombs of King Agamemnon & followers. Research shows the graves are older.

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I made a mushroom man, his boyfriend belongs to uwo

His name's Yira! He's based on a Mycena mushroom and the mist he breathes is an aphrodisiac, you can guess why he's flustered constantly ;;0c he can also cover himself in gel with the same quality!

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number 11 of the challenge
stropharia rugosoannulata, marasmius haematocephalus, mycena lux-coeli
merch here

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The Minoan Civilization existed from roughly 3000 BCE (Before the Common Era) through 1450 BCE. That’s about 5000 years ago!

Saffron Wave takes place in 1625 BCE, a few hundred years before the general time frame for the collapse of the civilization, before the Mycenaean Greeks.

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Hairy Mycena, champidragon nocturne et luminescent, vit dans des bois morts et "danse" la nuit, hérissant les poils de son cou comme un vibrant hommage à l'esprit de l'arbre dans lequel il vit.

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애주름버섯과 애주름버섯속 파란뿌리애주름버섯(Mycena cyanorrhiza)

창백한 색에 푸른 뿌리를 가진 애주름버섯속의 버섯.
애주름버섯속 답게 크기는 매우 작아 발견하기도 힘들겠지만 실로시빈이라는 환각 독을 가진 환각버섯인만큼 먹거나 가진다고 좋을것 없으니 그냥 가만히 냅두는게 상책이다.

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Amanita Muscaria
Mycena Abramsii
Rhodotus Palmatus

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