If you want to know what Tristram and Juliette are staring so attentively in today's tribute spoiler for (made by ) you can follow the link https://t.co/vpeyEwtLq2 and preorder your copy w/ full page arts NOW, you have TWO WEEKS of time left!

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Cosa attrae tanto l'attenzione di Tristram e Juliette nel tributo per di oggi di ? Recatevi subito su https://t.co/vpeyEwtLq2 e preordinare la vostra copia della zine per saperlo, perché avete solo DUE SETTIMANE di tempo! Le art complete saranno solo lì!

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Qual è l'oggetto di studio di Tristram stavolta? Potrete ammirare questo splendido tributo di per Esther e per la - oltre a dozzine di altre illustrazioni a tutta pagina - se prenoterete una copia della zine. Preordinatela adesso! https://t.co/vpeyEwtLq2

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What's Tristram looking at for his study purposes? You'll have to chance to admire this stunning tribute by for Esther and - and dozens more of full-page arts - if you'll get a copy of the zine. Preorder it now! https://t.co/vpeyEwtLq2

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Do you know how many artists took part to ? No? Neither do we! We are still receiving the tributes to Tristram, Juliette and the fantastic world created by Esther, as this one by . Preorder your copy now, you have THREE WEEKS left https://t.co/vpeyEwtLq2

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The World of Thomas Turner part 3: A Visit to Halland House (where he complains about the number of French servants) and an encounter with Tristram Shandy. https://t.co/cL5jHaNl2v

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our featured painter Jeremy Carlisle has a famous Uncle, only Tristram Cary - of working with et al. There's something rhythmic about the structure Jeremy's paintings. Do visit to have a look! until 5th May!

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Shiny trans Tristran and non-binary Nonny for

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Tristram and Isolde, 1916
John William Waterhouse (1849 - 1917)

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🔥Diablo ist zurück! Deswegen war es auch so heiß - Höllenfeuer eben. Der Klassiker aus dem Jahre 1996 feiert sein Comeback und hat die GOG-Spezialbehandlung erfahren:
Anpassung an moderne Betriebssysteme, Fehlerbehebungen, kein DRM: https://t.co/9iXn1XhA3b

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Last chance to see NINE X NINE !
Lucy Stuart Clark and Elizabeth Tristram
The Diviners
Mixed media collage
19 x 17.5 cm, 27 x 25.5 cm framed

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Last chance to see NINE X NINE !
Leonora Venter and Elizabeth Tristram Barbed echoes
linocut, silverleaf, oil paint and acrylic paint
35 x 30 cm

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Da gusto garabatear en vacaciones. Aquí va una ristra de retratos. Por cierto, ya queda menos para el reto Id afilando los lápices ✏️

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redid grigoristrasz's dragon form, again, because im never satisfied

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“ยิ้มรับให้กับความสดใสบนโลกใบนี้ ... ☀️ “
FB: Orn BNK48
IG: .bnk48official

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Glasses on a Mannequin
Hair Study 4 by Elizabeth Tristram https://t.co/2S5gpDSAHz

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Glasses on a Mannequin
Hair Study 4 by Elizabeth Tristram https://t.co/2S5gpDSAHz

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