Okay I know that fans don’t exist in middle earth but here me out

It’s really hot

16 71

Dark Lore of LOTR - Helm Hammerhand by Sheppi TSRpdriguez
Remember to check our videos on YouTube about both Helm and the new War of the Rohirrim movie as well!

0 22

Melkor VS The Spectre. WHO WILL WIN?!

“I am the Elder King: Melkor, first and mightiest of the Valar! You shall bend to my will”

“Fool, I am The Spectre, Spirit of Vengeance, Aspect of God and you shall feel my wrath!”

6 18

вспомнила как мне не нравится внешность боромира в фильмах, решила нарисовать книжный варик а потом понеслось

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