Faramir, Steward of Gondor.

Illustration done for Magic: the Gathering - The Lord of the Rings: Tales of Middle-Earth
Art Director: Kieran Yanner

133 1238

Gondor Knight by Anthony Catillaz

60 504

An early detailed sketch of Gondor and Mordor by Tolkien with topographical lines.

49 342

Boromir: Intenté arrebatarle el Anillo. Perdóname. Os he fallado a todos.
Aragorn: No, Boromir. Has luchado con valentía. Has conservado tu honor.
Boromir: Te habría seguido, mi hermano, mi capitán, mi Rey...
Aragorn: Ve en paz, hijo de Gondor.


124 681

Nie czas zwlekać dzielni wojacy
Gondor wzywa!

0 8

The Steward of Gondor supports Purrvana. Be like Denethor! Come to table SP-45 OMEOW COMICS at Wondercon this weekend and get a copy for yourself!

0 4

A wintry evening in Osgiliath, "Citadel of the Host of Stars"

“At the height of Gondor's power the city was a reflection of the splendour of Númenor's cities, but this was not to last.”

1 16

You can rely on a historical illustrator to bring imaginary artefacts alive visually, and when it comes to few can match the mighty Angus McBride. Take his Sea Lords of Gondor cover (1987) which features a super-cool Corsair captain wearing Tolkien's own Númenórean helm

17 63

Lord of the Rings Online increases its virtue and legendary item cap, talks about ‘new work in Gondor’ https://t.co/8OOBb3psMM

6 35

Son of Gondor

190 543

Gondor is kind of inspired by the Eastern Roman Empire, but thanks to the movies usually are depicted with plate armor an such...
So anyways, I'll use your tweer to post again my Gondor illustrations (? https://t.co/NalLuXZ4cM

68 467

“Gondor the beautiful city, puffy clouds, sunset, hyperdetailed, Ciruelo cabral style, cinematic lighting, long shadows, saturated contrast”

~ Prompt by Ludovicov

2 8

everyone's favorite 87 year old AKA, Aragorn son of Arathorn, Estel, Thorongil, Elessar, Telcontar, Envinyatar, Strider, the Dúnadan, Wingfoot, Chieftain of Dúnedain, Heir of Isildur, High King of the Dúnedain, King of Gondor, King o...

6 56

King Elessar Aragorn - fromKITnoc

twenty-sixth King of Arnor,thirty-fifth King of Gondor and the first High King of the Reunited Kingdom

0 2

Boromir: Te habría seguido, mi hermano, mi capitán, mi Rey...
Aragorn: Ve en paz, hijo de Gondor.
Aragorn se despide de Boromir.


152 1238