Day 10 - Ghost. My son & wife requested me to draw Boo for this theme. So, here are many Boos.

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These stages of development are our second contribution to this time with the relax level.

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yesterday's This is absolutely the most frightening one so far. I've also uploaded a video process of this one!

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6/6 From the block-out, the art vignette, and concept art, Tim and Duke worked closely with art studio Igloo/Lemon Sky ( to create final 3D art assets for the level.

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5/6 Using the blockworld and reference material as a foundation, Art Director and Lead Environment Artist Tim Tao concepted out the environment in detail.

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3/6 Meanwhile I sketched out the level layout, using the one-sheet, reference, and concept as a guide. Layout was finalized in a spatially accurate (but not exactly to scale) map. roughed out the layout in perspective.

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1/6 For I thought I'd share a walkthrough of the level design and environment art process we used for (2009).

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Second day for me, added some small details and a bunch of houses, to get the feel of the place, also ground view. Yey :)

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