# benjaminfranklin kiteexperiment electricity inventor science freemasons grandlodgeofpennsylvania americanhistory aewaite arthuredwardwaite ceremonialmagick magick qabalah tarot hermeticorderofthegoldendawn quatuorcoronati rosicrucian mystic witchcraft occult travissimpkins portrait sketch masonic israelbrodie rabbi judaism britishhistory greatbritain unitedgrandlodgeofengland ugle art religion england unitedkingdom sampsonsimson scottishrite scottishritenmj sovereigngrandcommander supremecouncil onthisday dewittclinton grandmaster grandlodgeofnewyork newyorkfreemasonry governor morganaffair knightstemplar yorkrite josephcerneau cerneauism danbrown author books knowledge davincicode holygrail marymagdalene jesuschrist merovingian thelostsymbol robertlangdon inferno angelsanddemons prioryofsion geraldford presidentoftheunitedstates potus whitehouse washingtondc history leonabbott grandlodgeofmassachusetts scholarship leonardlomell budlomell dday worldwarii wwii hero grandlodgeofnewjersey newjerseyfreemasonry southerncaliforniaresearchlodge fraternalreview grandlodgeofcalifornia californiafreemasonry esoteric henryclay grandlodgeofkentucky statesman ashland memorial necrology billanthis valleyofboston massachusettsfreemasonry voltaire philosophy philosopher enlightenment frenchrevolution wisdom williamgreene grandlodgeofconnecticut nationalsojourners johnwayne actor western theduke cowboy hollywood film cinema movies celebrity masculinity otd douglasmacarthur generalmacarthur pacifictheater usarmy eliasashmole ashmoleanmuseum alchemy royalsociety slmacgregormathers macgregormathers goetia keyofsolomon abramelin enochian

June, 1752 (exact date unknown): Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous “kite experiment.”
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June 11, 1825: Sampson Simson, 33° became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, NMJ.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June 7, 1894: Leon M. Abbott was raised a Master Mason in Columbian Lodge in Boston, Massachusetts.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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May 30, 1778: Voltaire, French Enlightenment philosopher, died in Paris at the age of 83.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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