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"Hmm . . . Smile or seductive? . .

Why not both? Hope you enjoy, pervs and purists alike~"

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and a voltorb for the purists

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Because I am a purist of a painter, I don't like the words or the page numbers to mess with my art. Yet, I don't like books without words. To compromise, I paint the scene that I want, but I allow the watercolor to fade for words.

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難波に新しくオープンしたRAMEN PURISMで、塩ラーメンをいただきました。スープは甲殻類の風味も効いていて、美味しかったです。

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also heres one for my canon purist boys

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For the Piccolo purists out there who'd rather celebrate this being Piccolo Day, here's are some Chrono Trigger styled sprites of him that I did a few years ago!

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Los dos cuadros más relevantes del primer Purismo español son la síntesis más depurada de la experiencia cosmopolita de sus autores, que lo concibieron como un duelo artístico entre ellos. Federico de Madrazo y Carlos Luis de Ribera representaron el sepulcro vacío de Cristo.

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Committed the ultimate Coke-Purist sin yesterday...

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2月15日 アプリシア

2月14日 フェイダー 暗くなるとどこからか現れて寝ている人にイタズラをする。

February 15th "Apurisia"
His body fluids can change the color of water.

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Andrew Ryder’s ‘Jibril - 2019’.
The 1960s optical kinetic work of the Zero Group in Germany and the South American artists of GRAV group in Paris had a profound influence on Andrew Ryder as a student in the 1970s. The purist essence of that influence is evident in his work today

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Valentine YCH commission for Purishira on dA 😊

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TIL: Pakai brush "nggak wajar" nggak masalah. Barusan pakai grass brush preset buat background random dan hasilnya lumayan, apalagi emang ini akan diliat dari jauh sebagai tekstur saja. Nggak perlu sok purist gambar manual semua.

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Las resinas últimamente están alcanzando un nivel increíble. Pero creo que ésta va a ser una de mis favoritas (si no la que más).
De momento sólo hay esta foto. Pero mamma mia....
Además con licencia de Toei, para delicia de los más puristas

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here is a real photograph of a purist plucking a damn weeb from their lawn

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Last night's drawing was shota Gil from or if that's your thing or if you're an ancient purist

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Literally all I think of when I see Ford Fanboy Purists arguing about the new four-door variant Mustang. I’ve never seen so many pointless arguments in my life. I’m ashamed call myself a Ford fan when these wishy-washy fucks exist. Glad to be out of that scene.

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Toinen nettisarjikseni on The Witch Door, joka on vielä suhteellisen tuore. Kertoo Katariinasta ja hänen mystisestä naapurista Jousiasta, jonka kämpästä löytyvän noitaoven kautta voi kulkea mitä jännempiin paikkoihin. Kieli englanti, K15

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Purist mod looks so great, can’t wait to play it though!

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