У всего есть последствия, Редьярд. Добро пожаловать в мир противостояния социальных алгоритмов математическим.

18 124

Commission for the amazing and her awesome fic BARE HANDS! Both are delightful and probably we will be working together in the future ❤️

BARE HANDS: https://t.co/XMNbamUJvf

24 129

after deviation, Richard found strange entertainment for himself: he likes to pry Gavin out of himself with small taunts or tricks

3 25

я не планировала заканчивать, но тот маленький кусочек Рида разлетелся, так что, прошу?

(словлю грустинку, если он не разлетится так же как тот(*´∇`)ノ)

50 265

Капибара!АУ ещё, кажется, не было.

57 398

Светит буббисами

22 191

Есть один фанфик, который так мне в душу запал, что я сама этого не ожидала. Перечитывала его много раз, давно хотела попробовать нарисовать этот момент и вот созрела (опять прочитала, угу)
А фик - "Изумрудный" от Gabrielle Olivy

43 285

Давненько не было у нас тут андроидов~

6 99

It's time for more Zine sneak-peeks! 👀

Today, we present to you works by two of our wonderful Creators: and - go show them some love! 💖

😺☕ Our Kickstarter:


Only 2 days left to pledge!

20 72

When even cheese seem like can stretch further than your partner's legs

71 255

Little young Gavin Reed from my band!au Bare Hands (read it here): https://t.co/gRCXSDW1Fs

A little gift for the best boy

7 29

It's time for more Zine sneak-peeks! 👀

Today, we present to you works by two of our wonderful Creators: a collab between Maya and - go show them some love! 💖

😺☕ Our Kickstarter:


Only 5 days left to pledge!

6 50

It's time for more Zine sneak-peeks! 👀

Today, we present to you works by two of our wonderful Creators: and - go show them some love! 💖

😺☕ Our Kickstarter:


18 108

It's time for more Zine sneak-peeks! 👀

Today, we present to you works by two of our wonderful Creators: a collab bewteen and - go show them some love! 💖

😺☕ Our Kickstarter:


9 41

Никогда не перестану повторять какие эти засранцы охрененные

56 420

It's time for more Zine sneak-peeks! 👀

Today, we present to you works by two of our wonderful Creators: a collab between and - go give them some love! 💖

😺☕ Our Kickstarter:


12 85

I don't know, probably this one. People still find him and like him, how is it not clear🤷🏻‍♂️🤔

QRT your most popular art


1 9