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Step into the role of the acclaimed, trillion-earning Morbius! Only on #PS5 !! #MorbiusSweep #VATICAL
【5/4スパコミ新刊】VATICIDE CCC
#エミクー #弓槍
The Matrix above is the result for a color particles search in this famous Raphael painting: "School of Athens" at Vatican Museums. A similar technique used on computer vision.
and the two particles to search for are:
Red Green Blue
R=145 G=86 B=52 & R1=160 G1=177 B1=195
The Jesuits were banished from most of Europe and sent to Corsica where Napoleon Bonaparte was born and he made war on all the European nations that banished the Jesuits. After the Napoleonic Wars the Papal States, Vatican, and Jesuits were restored under the Congress of Vienna.
"Se si crede negli esseri umani, si crede in Dio: è il primo passo e il più difficile"
🎨#MichelangeloBuonarroti - Creazione di Adamo, 1511 circa
Affresco: 280×570 cm.
Cappella Sistina, Città del Vaticano
El encuentro entre Moctezuma y Cortés, restaurado del Vaticano A al estilo del Códice Telleriano Remensis
待望のCD版が登場。Vatican ShadowやPrurientといった名義でも活動、黒煙吹き荒れるテクノ界からノイズを吹き鳴らす貴公子、我らが鋼鉄男Dominick FernowとLow Jackによる大人気ユニット= Rainforest Spiritual Enslavementによる2021年度大傑作『Flying Fish Ambience 』。https://t.co/QrvCNVyHsy
@lagatta4739 @giuseppenotarn1 @SalaLettura @DavLucia @patuc12 @adelestancati @PaolaToogoodxme @CarmelaCusmai @redne2013 @BaroneZaza70 @artmajcar @tafudany1 @Rebeka80721106 @scastaldi9 @NinoInzerillo @AntonellaLaTor6 @RetwittL @isidemoni @ghegola @ValerioLivia @GerardLDonadoni @SoniaSamoggia @AlessandraCicc6 @DemoFranca @josepcampo @AntonellaChessa @giusyoni @mariatontini1 @AnnaMar90949897 @RosannaAvella @MollyBloom82 @diamiladi #lILinguaggioDellaNatura
“Vedere un mondo in un granello di sabbia
E un paradiso in un fiore selvatico,
Tieni l’infinito nel palmo della tua mano,
E l’eternità in un’ora”
✒️🎨 William Blake
me trying to think of fun,new, and innovatice content to make while im waiting for my throat to get better
also me staring at a wall for 2 hours getting 0 ideas
Today is #WorldFrogDay so if you are a Member take a look at this paper in our journal "Archives of Natural History" on the rains calls of frogs: https://t.co/fAtGkIdfcZ
Image: Wood frog (Rana sylvatica) in J Edwards Holbrook, 'North American herpetology', Vol. 4 (1842), pl. 24.
Ammiro la verità del tempo
Rivela sempre la realtà delle cose e delle persone
La trasfigurazione
conservato nella Pinacoteca del Vaticano
@adelestancati @lagatta4739
Una peli que no da respiro, es este survival selvatico, firmado por este realizador italiano hacedor de "holocausto canibal" & la genial "ultimo mondo cannibale" en el reparto esta el actor dolape malefico de, "las colinas tienen ojos" de craven haciendo de las suyas!!!😣
#FrescoFriday Delphic Sibyl, fresco by #Michelangelo, 1508–12; in the Sistine Chapel, Vatican City. Scala/Art Resource, New York: via Britannica
Oggi è il #WorldWildlifeDay, la Giornata Mondiale della Natura Selvatica, per sensibilizzare l'opinione pubblica sullo stato di conservazione delle specie di fauna e flora, qui alcuni suggerimenti di lettura e una novità https://t.co/lMMrcx7jqp @LaytonNeal @nicolakidsbooks
Happy Birthday to Dr. Barbara Frale, Paleographer at the Vatican Secret Archives.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins
#BarbaraFrale #Vatican #VaticanSecretArchives #KnightsTemplar #ChinonParchment #ShroudOfTurin #Scholar #Paleography #Templars #TravisSimpkins #art
Happy 2/22/22. A desperate young dragon-mom seeks help from Selvatico Karrucci (sometimes called White Rose) to heal her son’s heart. An ultimatum was given, and now her son will be Selvatico’s friend/minion in 22 years later, in exchange for life.
sì all'eutanasia
#Nicocomix #eutanasia #eutanasialegale #finevita #Vaticano #Cappato #Consulta #vignette #fumetti
"Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers."
Las cuatro parejas de los dioses de la muerte en la cosmología mexica, redibujados por un servidor a partir del Códice Vaticano A