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People saying "why don't they just use benders" or "immersion broken", did ya'll forget how advanced the firenation really was? or how the mayority of the population aren't benders
also they did hire benders, than tech advanced they began using machines that can do the job

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" Humans take my family away from me, so... i will take their hearts away...one by one !!! "
Mi OC sirena: Marina ya comienza a cobrar vida !

2 5

The Albularyo, Diwata, Mananaggal, and Sirena

I'm excited to work on the next one!

2 12

Mai and Tylee Sketch/Paint! My absolute favorite fire nation ladies. Felt so nice to be drawing them again. <3

56 357

- "Shepsi" from Book 2 by , Severine Trefouel, David Evrard, and Walter. Irena's faithful dog often alerted them to coming danger… The true-life adventure continues in August from ! https://t.co/agFkfuGO0k

2 5

Submit nya ke link ini ya >>> https://t.co/bezb9KZ22z

Oiya, tolong diperhatikan. File gambarnya tolong direname dengan format username - nama character

contohnya: duggieya - Petra

Characternya bebas! Bisa OC kalian, atau OC teman kalian, atau character favorite kalian, bebas!

1 0

Still a w.i.p on my O.C Amara ..but apparently a friend thought she look like she has some stuff going on ??!!! Lol 🤣🔥

1 3

Books like for Disney/Hyperion and with Insight Editions. I also wrote a few pilots for development. But every 1 gig, 5-6 that fell thru.

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Hi Ashe, I am Irena and I paint abstract art. Thank you for the artshare.

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un test de buzzfeed me dijo que de todas las sirenas de pichi pichi pitch era luchia, así que la tuve que dibujar en chikito😔🌼🌈✨🌊🌅💫🐬🍭🍨

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Hi Adriane, I am Irena and I paint abstract art. Thank you for the artshare.

1 10

Fantasy-theme Sirena 🗡️😊

534 3656

Me encantaría que hicieras a Eufrasia ❤ es mi sirena koi 🎏🧜‍♀️

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Cuando haya en el universo nubes de colores
luces de neón alumbrando las tinieblas
cigarras azules regando las flores
lluvia de perseidas bailando en el jardín
y canten a la luna las míticas sirenas,
en el páramo yermo renacerá primavera!

9 10

Pues terminada.
Es la princesa Patapon que, como en Patapon 3 fue Sirenascivia, quise hacer un mix...
¿Qué pasaría si la princesa también fuese una heroína más, llevando una máscara consigo, para ayudar a su pueblo?
Hay elementos de ambas, y otras modificaciones. ¡Ojalá os guste!

5 16

Hi Marcel, my name is Irena and I paint abstract art. Thank you for the art share.

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