One of the best British scientific botanical artists of the 20th century - Stella Ross Craig (1906-2006) illustrated over 1,300 species in her monumental Drawings of British Plants series (1948-1973)

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30 years ago today, something monumental happened. An 8-bit video game was released that changed everything for me, and so many others. I've created this piece to pay homage to the game that was such a massive inspiration. Limited edition prints at

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Exhibited at 2017
20"x16" Silver Gelatin Luminogram

The magic of silver gelatin paper to show the response towards a subject in a fantastical and three dimensional way.

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Print of the Day: "Caterpillar, Pear, Tulip, and Purple Snail" by Joris Hoefnagel, ca. 1595. A page from the remarkable Mira calligraphiae monumenta (Model Book of Calligraphy), a collaboration across many decades with Georg Bocskay:

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Kleines Monument Valley Doodle ヽ( ´¬`)ノ

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Imagine a world where all we had left was art showing how amazing it used to be.

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In 2009, the world's only juvenile was discovered in by crew at the . I was able to see and help excavate this specimen on my first dig. It was...incredible seeing it in the monument before it was excavated.

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Monument Valley is deffo my fave mobile game. Maybe I should do another pic since the sequel's out...

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The skull of Diabloceratops eatoni from Grand Staircase - Escalante National Monument, a region that needs to be protected

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Bilan touristique du 3e trimestre à >> oenotourisme, musées et sites culturels, hébergements, croisières, monuments... tous les indicateurs sont au vert! Pour consulter l'infographie >>

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Androidも半分ぐらいは同時セール ブラックフライデーのアプリゲームセール、厳選おすすめ作品一覧。『Monument Valley 2』や『Mini Metro』などが格安に

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セールが膨大すぎる… ブラックフライデーで100以上のゲームがセール。『Monument Valley 2』、『Splitter Critters』なども - 11月23日の値下げゲー

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There was a cracking band playing at Newcastle's Grey's Monument on Saturday, although unfortunately I didn't get their name (but I did get a wave from the saxophonist!). Anyone know what they're called?

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Monument Valley Movement

A small, postcard-size drawing, cut out and pasted on another piece.

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Detail of Rochead's winning design for the National Wallace Monument

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Starting today a Miniseries of
Jean-Claude Golvin (*1942): french archaeologist & architect. Specialized in history of Roman amphitheatres, published 100s of drawings of ancient monuments. Let us know who is your fav illustrator.

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Дизайнер Monument Valley анонсировал игру Florence «о любви и жизни», которая будет состоять из нескольких коротких глав, разных по геймплею

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