C94の新刊。朝潮本メロンブックス様で委託開始してます。一緒にコミティア124で配布した『21DISTORTION Vol.2』も委託始まりました。朝潮ちゃんロシアンマフちゃん共々、よろしくお願いします!

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魔術師達が黒魔女を狩る物語「Wizard of Distortion」ていう創作をゆっくりやってます。現在企画(紅箱)にも参加してます

気になった方をお声掛けで巡回しますのでよろしくお願いします( ˘ω˘ )

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If you’re wondering what the distortion would look like as a normal person well... now you don’t have to
(Sorry for the nightmares)

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【追記】朝潮本と別にコミティアにて配布した、エフェクター擬人化ロシアンマフ本『21 DISTORTION』1&2共々、持っていく予定です。朝潮Changとご一緒にマフChangもどうぞよろしくお願いします~!

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another Kandinsky texture loop, but this one using Perlin noise distortion. it's a little clumpy, but i like it

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In the past, I taught briefly about the rule of one third on the screen, distortion of the viewing angle due to curvature of the eye, illusion due to light and color, and so on when the time left after lunch in the company.
I was proud of their reaction.

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— abdomen, the space-bending would happen at that moment, reaching forth as a plague hungering for more lives to take.

The distortion would fully remove a few of his ribs, while his next motion would serve as a deadly means to maximize damage; with a twist, he would harness —

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miyazaki and his animators had a long history with cartoony tv shows and films and that expressive distortion and humorous ways of staging action still informs their later work

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Smearing via outline distortion to convey speed in Eva.

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モンストワンドロ( ) 「おばけ・妖怪」
茨木童子背徳Ver.~♪(*'▽')NO DISTORTIONの衣装可愛すぎなぁ~( *´艸`)

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6月1日の 同時視聴、後半22時30分の回はお姉ちゃん回、Layer05「DISTORTION」です。

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「背徳ピストルズ」の新曲『NO DISTORTION』と「Two for all」の新曲『Twinkle Shiny Star』が配信スタート!


本日(5/24)19時よりXFLAG PARK2018の出演者を発表する"モンソニ!TV "を配信!お楽しみに!#モンソニ

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We are so proud of how M has tackled her theme of “Distortion in relation to the human psyche” oh her AdHigher folio. Phenomenal work.

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A 2017 piece on the PREDATOR • Always super fun drawing this character. Seems like he would be tough to draw but easy as a kitten in a fresh towel. hez for more of my works & original … https://t.co/iseXSgqUqb

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見てくれ...21 DISTORTION Vol.2共々よろしくお願いしますm(_ _)m

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