The Crystal People are a race from Ishna in the Sirius System. Their bodies are of a crystaline substance, very light, fine and fragile.

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Sunday! Get ready for... Aliens PART TWO! Join us this week as we get into some real bizarre concepts and extraterrestrial experiences 👽

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The Greys from Rigel in the Orion constellation have been involved on earth for a long time and are recognizable by their elongated skulls.

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The universe is full of diversity but most of all beauty... like this being from Vega in the Lyran constellation.


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Xyletron is commander in the Intergalactic Spacefleet, Originally from the Boötes constellation, he's also a member of the Order of the Solar Cross.

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Making-of artwork of SKY GODZ season 1 star Nin, the Anunnaki scientist. Left the pencils and to the right the finished colored version.

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Beings from the Cygnus constellation are highly telepathic and ethereal. Their density level is far beyond that they rarely interact with humans.

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A doodle of the extraterrestrial being Amoera (pronounced like "a mirror" if you've got an accent), assuming the form of Charm! It might look a little creepy, but it means well.

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These crocodile-type of reptilians have often been seen in alien abduction cases. Very uncomfortable fellows...

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The Lion people are the guardians of the Crystal Desert on Avyon in the Lyra constellation and are generally peaceful.

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The Praying Mlantis aliens are the main ambassadors for the Galactic Federation with headquarters on Sirius B.

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Maria Orsic (born in Zagreb) was the leader of a fictional 1920s secret spiritual society called the Vril Society

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Xinxu, The Cataclysmic Extraterrestrial

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Oxalc is a spiritual guide born on Ganymede (moon of Jupiter). A "mind doctor" and expert telepath, he lives in the Crystal City.

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The Nordic Tall Whites from Aldebaran have been on earth for a long time hidden in the underground bases of Antarctica.

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Beautiful SKY GODZ posters in 3 different sizes are available as high-quality metal display posters from DISPLATE.

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The Greys originating from the Rigel system in the Orion cluster are the most wide-spread Grey races in the universe.

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