BEGONE, Mark! And ne'er again dare to marr my day with thy presence! Back! BACK to the acrid pits of investment hell from whence you crawled!

0 1

เเจกวอลโทรศัพท์ อจว. เลือกไปใช้กันได้นะคะ ทำมาใช้เองเเต่ยังคงเลือกพื้นหลังไม่ด้ายยย

Free izone wallpaper you guys can get it.I just do it for myself but still cant’t decide which color for the background...

67 55

Finna get thy weeb on next week

4 34

“...thy cocoa doth grow cold.”

i can’t get enough of these two 💖

5 22

Name: Lucis Ammanier
World: Masamune
Noble Barding

Thy Darkness shadow cast'd by the Light. But wh're doth Light cometh?

0 10

I am thy father's spirit,
Doom'd for a certain time to walk the night,
And, for the day, confin'd to fast in fires,
Till the foul crimes, done in my days of nature,
Are burnt and purg'd away.

13 59

“Little fly thy summers play my thoughtless hand has brushed away am not I a fly like thee?or art not thou a man like me?for I dance &drink &sing till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

2 23

«while thy branches mix with mine, and our roots together join»

happy verg day, fellas

117 276

"Beer, happy produce of our Isle can sinewy strength impart
And wearied with fatigue & toil can cheer each manly heart Genius of health thy grateful taste rivals the cup of Jove
And warms each English generous breast with Liberty and Love' W.Hogarth Beer St

4 10

Here ye here ye, first picture is thy current design. Thy others are thy references.

0 2

Omg thy I'm so sorry ;;o;; sending big hugs rn I believe you'll get thru 😥❤

0 1

Today's Sailor Moon Bootleg is Shelly. 'SHOW THY SMILE'

286 614

Ok my sexy Hedwig drawing keep getting reported. It’s a damn shame because feathery boobs are very important in this political climate. Anyways, 100 points to you if you saw the original. Here’s a scary treasure map for you to put the image together with thy mind. 🍻

0 6

Blushed version :p

1 7

what are thy planning?

13 81