Every damn election the NDP in Ontario include in their platform, the need for an inquiry and major improvements in Long-term care.

Liberals and Conservatives have failed to fund the system adequately, expanded for-profit LTC.

Seniors are paying the price. https://t.co/96N8xzz459

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This is a great meme because it shows two distinct reasons why allowing conservatives in society is a public health hazard

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Virtual Signaling: Conservative Republicans Have It All Wrong


Conservative Republicans Have It All Wrong

Y Not keep dems


1 6

Me when conservatives say that public schools are indoctrinating students into becoming communists:

0 2

This I'm remembering the last one - Dec 13th; the day after the general election. If only our earlier calls to get hadn't been drowned out by CONservatives lies & a complicit media 😡😥🤮😱

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Disappointing that the negotiating tactics haven't improved after throwing out the conservatives...

good luck!

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Christian Adams on Boris Johnson's plans to axe BBC licence fee - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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Brian Adcock: Boris in a power grab via his master Cummings. Is Cummings human - political cartoon gallery in London https://t.co/dePcTdnXF6

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This "story" originated from an ALLOD's "satire" site (a liberal disinformation organization designed to make fools of conservatives who fall for them). Their goal is to discredit us...
GOT IT???!! 🙄

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Al Gore Should Eat A Bug

Conservatives don't need to listen to leftists because leftists don't don't drink (algae) & and don't wipe with

1 4

is politically a CLOWN; all dressed up to represent the Social Conservatives! 😋

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Damien Green on the day after the election, pushing the idea of private insurance scheme for your care. The slippery slope to American style medical insurance and/or bankruptcy. .
Maybe next time if it still exists. 🙄

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