i’m like 37 years late to this but oh well

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I did the eyememe

finally something viral that i can actually do

hope you like it

i made tiny details that are not visible :']

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For the going around on Instagram. This was so fun and really reminded me of all the many eye doodles in my notebooks from high school 😂

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переживаю трудные артблоковские времена поэтому вот вам челлендж

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Tis’ the *tips fedora*

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~Eye Trend~
(You gotta be BRAZY if you didn't think I was jumping onto this trend haha, I love eyes and this was something simple I could do since I have been overwhelmed and stressed lately)

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おめめ ✩*॰¨̮

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I keep seeing people do this eye drawing challenge so I wanted to do one as well! I still need to work on a piece for Mermay and I am procrastinating big time 😳

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yeah im late but here hehe

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