Starting your own can be tough as you have to consider many things such as product location, and many more. Increase your sales without breaking the bank with low cost flyers!

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I embedded helpful Dopamine Detox videos on this previous post -- Point of Exquisite Suspension: Me on Twitter -- Accessing my Dopamine

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It’s Day 7 of and today we take a look at How do think a ghost views the passing of time?

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माँ )

“सैकड़ों फूल चाहियें माला बनाने के लिए,
कई दीपक चाहियें आरती सजाने के लिए,
अनगिनत बूँद चाहियें सागर बनाने के लिए,
सिर्फ एक माँ ही काफी है,
हमारी ज़िन्दगी स्वर्ग बनाने के लिए।”

53 40

I'm on Facebook! Will be posting my artwork regularly over there, would love it if you guys could like my page 😍❤️

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The Assassin's Creed game I always wanted lol this game is beautiful

1 9

The curse of Is the destructive male unconsciousness the elephant in the room?

Why are women leaders beating the virus & male leaders the biggest problem?

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