The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear, and the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.
H. P. Lovecraft

376 905

but anyway
I already finished Deus Ex Mankind Divided. left to finish dlc т.т
I so love the world of this game! So...well
nothing serious, just a some sketch about how I see sormik in deus ex x)

67 292

Like so many beings from ancient mythology the Tuatha Dé Danann (people of the goddess Dana) may belong to a humankind that directly came from the stars.

2 5

This strange noise from a circuit of thought
Mankind is, yes, still calling it “God”.
In this world that’s being saved, while believing in that “God”,
“No one here is suffering, voice gone dry”
Have faith…

3 4

A series of brutal attacks threaten the fragile peace between Mankind and ancient creatures. Tristan and Kira find themselves in the eye of the storm and will have to rely on each other to navigate through decadent courts of intrigue and deceit.

37 354

"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind." - John F. Kennedy

4 12

Needles features a wide range of races and creatures intermingled with mankind (think Star Wars/Rick & Morty). Here we have the two other main characters: Rabies and Thalassia; Needles' teammates and best friends.

0 1

"i only wanted to give you the strength to survive in the new world! i didn't want you to disappear along with mankind..."

feeling emo about devilman again, so here’s a ryo

8 14

“Glory to Mankind” Drawing 😁

2 24

Meet Mia! Created by Beelzebeth as an Amy clone, she shares Amy's personality, but she's a totally new hip girl!
She's basically a pale, slutty Amy!
Always enjoyed doing Amy hentai, but never fit her character, so this was the best choice for mankind.

TL;DR: I made a sex Amy.

6 12


7/8(sun) 仙台HooK

Thousand Eyes "Day of Salvation" & the Art of Mankind "Distant Light" Tour


5 1

The Art Of Mankindツアー残すところあと2公演!


7 4


~the Art of Mankind "Distant Light" Tour 2018~

the Art of Mankind(東京)
No Limited Spiral
Behind The Insanity

OPEN 16:00 / START 16:30
当日券 3,000 (+1DRINK)

21 11

明日から38日間(世間的には実質4日)と言う短い命ではありますがthe Art of Mankind( )の1人として頑張ります。

6 5

I shall draw more for peace and prosperity, and love for all mankind.

I have become the shy kek. I shall be promoting my keks.

Kekeke :>

0 5

...any man's death diminishes me, because I am involved in mankind. And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee - by John Donne

by Rice Araujo

12 10

Humankind reaching the stars.

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