This prickly plant is at the centre of a battle between conservation and occupation in the West Bank. Illustrations by .

3 3

"#Science for the masses" - for "The Effective written by

Sometimes popping the collective bubble of the masses requires a little help from & review (the "pin prick")

+ Cintiq

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his name is Zeke (short for Ezekiel Von Pricklepants, according to Maya). he's a round and chumby boy who likes to hide and play 🦔💖

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ok so my fav OC that's not like, a sona of mine, is my pointy trans lesbian cat Inspiration!!!

she's quite the lady-killer and is also a hopeless romantic
her personality is prickly and she often finds herself in trouble, but she tries

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I made a UTAU and his name is K4R9 because im a self indulgent prick

1 7

Does ever cartoon dad in every family based animated show have to be either a dumbass or a prick?

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Bit of a Dark one this.

Take this beaten up old artist
And turn me into rainbow sausages
Grill me, burn me, fry me
Tenderly prick me and gorge on me
Feed on the creative spirit, that once endeavoured to be so much more

World Poetry Day

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Y aquí viene Pricko! La hormiga bombardera!!

9 43

i cant believe my best boy came home on a free roll i love my prickly cactus pineapple child.

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sketch commission for @/pricklymochi ( ´ཀ` )

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The whole gang is back with new adventures in this reimagined series, perfect for kids and fans of all ages!

Vol.1 available @

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Feeling prickly tonight? Check out my NEW tag as well as my full line of Certified Tags! Still working on restocking after Furry Fiesta, but my shop is open again!

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prickly pear オプンティア opuntieae、所謂ウチワサボテンの果実。日本語にすると「チクチク梨」とでも訳すのだろうか。ジャムやスプレッド、ジュースにしたりカクテルに利用したりする。血糖値の上昇を抑える効果もあるというから、そのうち健食会社がサボテンジュースとか言って売り出すかも。

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Another amazing WIP by Nana 💖 for her upcoming Solo Show with our gallery from March 3 to April 6, 2018🎉Email for Preview Link🌟

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Thorns, screaming at roses,
the prickly beauty slowly
shedding guarded stems.
Echos of Summer in
the ripple of a kiss,
my lips releasing the long Winter
in Your heart, thawing
passions always just beyond
Your grasp, my touch
unlocking desire within.

🎨 Darla Vaughan

3 10

art: Darla Vaughan
thorns screaming,
prickly beauty,
roses shocked and awed,
bouquets bunched,
hiding cupid's culprits,
arrows, danger, beware

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What's the point of a thorny rose
Just pricks the heart
Red screams for blood
Spattered by the flattering
of flowers
Nothing beats the pink lipped love

Darla Vaughan

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