Deoxys será el nuevo jefe de incursiones EX en Pokémon GO ->

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don't mind me, just cursing your timeline :)

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I hope you'll soon be able to pull one in reality ! ☺️

A lot of cursing was involved in the production of this.
I am glad I don't do voice-over speedpaints.
Speaking of, the new one will be up in about an hour.

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"I'm trying to concentrate on my work here. Stop attempting to converse with me, stop singing.. just be silent."

imagine Leo cursing Mili as an experiment and they have to deal with being mute until whenever he decides to lift it

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Petite excursion au zoo.
Mine de rien c'est sympa de dessiner des animaux, faudrait que je le fasse plus souvent.

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Ando de cursi ....<3

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💀🖤 los chicos malos siendo lindos juntos ✨ughhhh es cumpleaños de nero y no podía evitar hacer algo para el, llámenme cursi pero mañana hacen un año de conocerse 😭💖nunca pensé que se iban a llevar taan bien jajaja 💕🎂🎊

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Me paso de cursi xdd
sigo practicando las lucecitas <:D

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frickin laughing and/or cursing right now after the past 24 least I drew (except what the frick did that style become, too)

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Mexicana, diseñadora de moda e ilustradora. Me especializo en estampados, pero me encantan los temas de fantasía y cursis.

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Regirock ya está disponible en las incursiones de Pokémon GO hasta el 20 de septiembre.

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Lettering by Ivan Bilibin (early 1900—1920s).

Based on traditional Russian lettering styles: устав (uncial), полуустав (semi-uncial) and скоропись (cursive).

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I retaught myself cursive to try and capture the feeling of the way the game's title is written in the demo
(trademark pending)

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Underwater Excursion! A Converse submarine 😀
My entry for the contest!
I loved painting this~

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Todos los días pienso que no hago suficiente y eso me crea ansiedad. Para hoy unas nenúfares algo cursi pero hay días así 🙇‍♀️🌸

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i cant write cursive to save my life but i can try

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Oi think I missed th’ big day…but oy’m ‘ere, just ‘ad ter get me gear!

…it’s kinda borrowed, but oi was thinkin’ ‘e wouldn’t care much cos oi’m beefeaters biggest fan!

…sure is cursin’ a lot without ‘is skivvies, tho!

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