New comedy show idea: Morrissey Gammon's Flying Circus. A naked plays piano, Moz sings & does the goose step

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That time Boris said Britain was a culture of “easy gratification” and we’re all lazy.

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Martyn Turner: A sneak preview of tonight's winner of the Song Contest ' "Zero Gravity". Trust me, all the cartoonists will be drawing people up poles - political cartoon gallery in London

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Bob Moran on the impending Tory leadership race - political cartoon gallery in London

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Here’s shiteing it from the leadership race back in 2016. It’s not worth drawing him again because he’s still shitbag.

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Never sure how statistics work,are these right? If so why no bus with it plastered down the side!! pretty much in the dark, but can't be blamed,unlike e.g: etc etc

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