お知らせの通り、smellのアルバム"海と少年"をSATIRE RECORDSからcoholの1st albumから久々のリリースとなる形で出します。そして5/20のリリースパーティーには仙台のspike shoes、before me、fixedが出演。そして更にまだ追加情報もありそうです!皆さまよろしくお願いします。

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The penultimate episode is up for Patrons.

Enjoy the new romances, the march on the MGE, oh, and Benny Baker's confrontation of Jake, face-to-face, after 4 seasons! It's quickly coming to an end.


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Something topical to kick this week off ... 💻📱John Klossner has more witty technology-based cartoons in his online profile - https://t.co/fMkQGUH2MZ

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Looking ahead to Ep 11 of we look at the role of political cartoons and satire in the news with of and . Well known for this piece. You’ll have time to hear what Harry has to say before you begin your Paddy’s Day festivities ☘️

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