Lil Stevie Comic 56 published live from Well Folks not even this cold kept me from keeping one comic a day pace. See you all tomorrow.

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Lil Stevie Comic 55 Sometimes inspiration just hits me in the middle of the night, or rather I hit it. Thanks to for great sermons

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44 When my wife proof read this her first thought “ I hope I never for their laughter.” Seems like yesterday the daddy raptor chased them and Mommy was base!

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40 I have been waiting to draw this one for SO long. Here it is.Hope everyone has a great night. If you would leave a like it helps others get a chance to enjoy. Inspired by the art of and

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37 I hope more than just me and my wife have suffered from this. Unfortunately more than once this has happened. I blame it on the aggravation of looking for parking. Inspired by the art of and

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34 This is a special tribute to friends that were there when I got saved and one of the coolest projects I ever worked on. The Luxs now head Nexus Church and they are just awesome people.

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33 This happens so often in our house. I get asked a question then the kids double check me with the omnipotent one.

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32 Here we are at the end of the 1st day of Hope everyone had a great day. Thanks for joining the BAck to School Special. See you tomorrow! Inspired by the art of on & sermons by of

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Part 2 of waking up Lizzy. I still have a couple more in this series so keep checking back. If you would, follow our hashtag. Inspired by the art of art of

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29 Sooo this looks like a Halloween Special, but it is the start of back to school special. Enjoy! Inspired by

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I have had this idea in my head for a bit. I have seen alot of homages with different characters, but I don't remember ever seeing these two. Bill Watterson I am not.

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28 If you are looking for a Christmas Present for me this strip frames and matted. I love A great sermon where complained about loading a dishwasher. Inspired by the art of on

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26 Be back tomorrow for the conclusion. I hope you all enjoy my little family reunion. We get a little Sci-Fi after this. Thank you all. Make sure to share and like. Inspired the art of and from

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25 NOT 25. So this was going to be a big deal BUT it turns out I can not count to 11. Found out when I was archiving these for a future project. I have two number 11.Hope you all still enjoy. Inspired by the art of

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24 “Sometimes your greatest victory is just managing your defeats.” FM Porter My work is inspired by the art of of and by the of Enjoy!

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23 Something is coming in 25. This is another personal experience and easy to write as these were all actual Inspired by the work of the preaching of sprinkled with a bit of

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22 This is all my son. He loves these machines! Inspired by and Thanks to all that tune in regularly and comment.

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21 Question: How long are you doing the comic? Answer: I have up to about 30 scripted, but as long as life keeps happening I will try to put up one a day. Inspired by and

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