# stanleybarclay grandmaster grandlodgeofmanitoba freemasons freemasonry travissimpkins masonic art portrait sketch canada canadianfreemasonry grandlodgeofnewjersey newjerseyfreemasonry 33rddegree williamrobertwoodman qabalah occult victorian hermeticorderofthegoldendawn magick tarot rosicrucian sria magic initiation ritual occultism ronaldseale sovereigngrandcommander supremecouncil scottishrite houseofthetemple saintjohnthebaptist holysaintsjohn feastday bible newtestament theology messiah religion ancientmysteries rudyardkipling themanwhowouldbeking junglebook nobelprize literature history wisdom knowledge author books danbrown davincicode thelostsymbol bestseller bestsellingauthor inferno robertlangdon prioryofsion holygrail wlwilmshurst wilmshurst scholar themeaningofmasonry philosophy ugle unitedgrandlodgeofengland frankland dadland demolay demolayinternational orderofdemolay otd robertdavis grandlodgeofoklahoma guthriescottishrite albertmackey audiemurphy worldwar2 worldwarii wwii hero medalofhonor actor hollywood film movies countrymusic johnwilliammcnaughton scottishritenmj benjaminfranklin kiteexperiment electricity inventor science grandlodgeofpennsylvania americanhistory aewaite arthuredwardwaite ceremonialmagick quatuorcoronati mystic witchcraft israelbrodie rabbi judaism britishhistory greatbritain england unitedkingdom sampsonsimson onthisday dewittclinton grandlodgeofnewyork newyorkfreemasonry governor morganaffair knightstemplar yorkrite josephcerneau cerneauism jjjgourgas marymagdalene jesuschrist merovingian angelsanddemons

Happy Birthday to M.W. Malcolm B. Wernik, Past Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New Jersey, born on this day in 1931.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Happy Birthday to Ronald A. Seale, 33°. Past Sovereign Grand Commander of the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, SJ.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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Happy Birthday to Frank S. "Dad" Land, 33°, GC. Founder of the Order of DeMolay. Born on this day in 1890.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June 20, 1881: Albert Mackey, Masonic scholar, died at the age of 74 in Fort Monroe, Virginia.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June, 1752 (exact date unknown): Benjamin Franklin conducted his famous “kite experiment.”
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June 11, 1825: Sampson Simson, 33° became Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, NMJ.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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June 9, 1806: J.J.J. Gourgas was both passed to the degree of Fellowcraft and raised a Master Mason in Lodge L’Union Francaise No. 17 in New York.
Portrait by Travis Simpkins

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