WIP!! I wanted a charm to commemorate ikesoren alts, so--!! 👀👀💕

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Here’s the cute Valentines IkeSoren I’ve been chipping away at since last night :3c can’t wait to set up preorders and sell this as charm soon

169 258

valentine's ikesoren has restored my strength

790 1266

セラたん()happy birthday!🎂🎊💝

7 11

Happy Halloween! I wanted to do a special IkeSoren Halloween edit to celebrate
I improvised a lot to make Ike a werewolf and Soren's a vampire !

144 280

You know what time it is? It's cuddle art time!
Featuring some good ol' ikesoren.

2 11

Thanks to our former opponent, Ike now has the time to go back to his waifu's side and watch Askr VS Nifl. A waifu who will love him unconditionally is absolutely more important than that VG game😗 None of our business now, let's get back to do more IkeSoren fanarts.

178 471

I've been working on these dumb comics recently, a thought starting with all tacticians(at least those I have) in FEH have mentioned the library. It's my first try in comics so the handwriting maybe too small and lack of order😅 Mainly IkeSoren but Chrobin also appears.

491 929

Guess who just ordered a sappy ikesoren wood charm? God I hope the colors will come out all right, it's my first time trying to print charms. (๑´•ω • `๑)

0 5

The pocket tactician doodles! The blue hair lords fighting with their pocket-sized tacticians:p I put them together after finished, realizing they looked like fighting each other. I know little about chrom and Robin but it's interesting to put them together with IkeSoren

483 917

quick question nintendo how r u gonna make him any beefier in smash 5? 🤔🤔

4 16

hi i rushed this but new years ikesoren! i hope everybody has a wonderful new years!

70 90

Okay, so, remember that one image from a porn movie. I did an ikesoren thing and I spent like all my afternoon on it so it doesn't even feel like a joke anymore alsjdkflasjd I'm sorry, but not really,

3 1

i know they're from por in feh but i wanted to do rd version because 💪

398 518

When ur bf is happy and u don't want to ruin his happiness ❤
Fire Emblem pairing - Ike Soren ❤😗

12 35

can't stop thinking abt ikesoren

19 19

anyway.... ikesoren

24 34

Ikesoren is my fuckening life I DREW THE SAME THING 3 TIMES

19 15

the ikesoren content is here

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