ranulf sketch page! i love all the laguz but i have a special place in my heart for this guy

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June 6th Daily Soren and Ike

The gay mercenaries! again!
But this time i drew them for reals
They rainbow
(Reyson is an honorary greil merc! Fr fr)

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June 3rd Daily Soren and Ike

Ike and Soren doodle with a rainbow heart, pride is the best excuse to make things more colorful lol
Best time

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a quick edward rkgk to save me from the horrid back pains i got while drawing for personal and work projects. at least my back pains were worth it.

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April 6th Daily Soren

A happy Soren! Laughing even!?

(Ike and Soren definitely have strange senses of humor, but they'd laugh at each others attempts at "jokes" I bet )

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April 4th Daily Soren


I worked so hard on this piece for the celebration of the special number! Peak ikesoren + the soren 666 from PoR!

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April 2nd Daily Soren

The best fe character (along with Ike)

I love how this soren came out, a soren from my brain only, quality Soren doodle

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ITS SOOOO TASTY her deirdres are so pretty and shes done some fe7 and fe10 art that makes me go teehee

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Collab! drew an idea I had so I colored it!

"Soren falling asleep while working late into the night Ike worried, waking him up to make sure he's alright"

(I am always down to color any ikesoren people draw for me😳)

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March 20th Daily Soren

Ikesoren hugging in the moonlight for

"holding onto each other just to bask in the fact that they are alive and there for each other"

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March 17th Daily Soren

Who would I be if I didn't redraw every meme I saw as Ike and Soren?
Not SorenLover666 that's for sure!

Quick meme redraw yeehaw

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February 27th Daily Soren

Soren prompt I dew for my bestie Grey
Long story short Ike is going to kiss him and doesn't care that he has dirt on him and his hair is disheveled

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February 23rd Daily Soren

Catboy Soren because yesterday, 2/22, was cat day in Japan!

Was a quick doodle! but I should draw cat boy Ike to go with him uwu

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Empress Sanaki
and Happy 16th anniv to FE Radiant Dawn 🥳

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