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@VillainsOfDC_ Jimenez, Lightle, Grell, Giffen, yeah, I'm a Legion nerd. (Hope I got them to match up with the images). There other artists I love too.
A portrait of an elven girl named Lillevandrell, a fictional character created by me.
Meine aller erste Zeichnung am Laptop ist fertig! >>
Die Farben sind apparently fckn grell, wie ich bemerkt habe, als ich die Zeichnung auf meinen Handy sah. Also hab ich am Handy versucht die Farben etwas schlichter aussehen zu lassen (2. Bild)
#ZeigtHerEureHobbies Malerei, Urban sketching, aquarell, kakaokarten 🎨
@dave_filoni Happy Birthday, Dave! You've been a major influence in Star Wars, so much so that I thought I'd revive one of my favorite characters that you created, Pong Krell, via Fanfiction -
May the force grant you many more blessed years!
To mark #EmpathyDay, our librarian, Mrs Turrell, has shared this incredible link to @EmpathyLabUK's #ReadforEmpathy Book Collection, with a wonderful book range for children aged 4-16. https://t.co/GpyF9X1Oo3. Mrs Turrell has also been sharing some of these books in library time.
@FlameCon I'm Jorell, I've exhibited at Flame Con 4 times, and I can't wait for next year's show! More of my work can be found at https://t.co/kMWk6ktgpi #FlameCon #SupportArtists #LGBTQ
Esta noche 22:00h en #DiasDeCineClasico @la2_tve
podréis ver #ElPuenteSobreElRíoKwai dirigida por David Lean, con William Holden, Alec Guinness, Jack Hawkins, James Donald, Sessue Hayakawa, André Morell, Geoffrey Horne.
These pretty images by Jung, Berkey and Chantrell, variations of the theme. Classics. Quite apt for today.
Sebastian and baby Grell, their relationship it's really funny ❤️😌 #SebastianMichaelis #BlackButler #kuroshitsuji #sebaciel #sebagrell #grellSutcliff
@PUNXSimon H-how did you know the exact 2 other characters that came to my mind??? Also grell, to I am a SUCKER FOR LONG HAIR AND GLASSES
New GIF tagged cat, self care, gemma correll, badge bomb, look after yourself via Giphy catt
Tried a little harder here and got a bit tired once i’d finished the face. and no it ain’t Quirrell, it just a guy... with horns..bad horns.
Hermann Prell, 1854-1922 Study for a Valkyre
Attributed to Alfred Kingsley, 1893-1975, Leda
DC's First Issue Specials, which was supposed to be out now, is delayed indefinitely. In the meantime, enjoy the finalized cover.
The book collects 1st Issue Special #1-13 & features Jack Kirby, Steve Ditko, Mike Grell, Joe Simon, Gerry Conway, Ramona Fradon, Walter Simonson...
Corona-Skizzen: Foxi Lioni, Sardinien. Aquarell, Gouache, Fineliner
Never let someone die by saving yourself first.
Quick rough sketch of Maxwell-Tyrell, the Light's Hope for @d4ybre4ker
#wow #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #paladin #oc #elf #sketch #portrait
And two #kitsundae scoops for Phaeler and greenkirell, I actually really like these two.