Patchouli is enjoying a bowl of steamed broccoli! (Which was a gift from Lynx!)

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I ‘#RaccontiDiAlbertoMoravia’ AKA ‘#RaccontiRomani’: uno dei primi libri letti (da me) in Italia/no tanti anni fa. Piccoli capolavori di narrativa; migliore di che come romanziere…😴

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V Flower & Zhongli are enjoying a bowl of steamed broccoli!

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Broccoli and Bratwurst doodle

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but all i have for yall is this kiwi/bush/piece of broccoli
(no jk, their name is actually kiwi pls do not confuse them with other greens🥝)

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. 『ラーメン入りブロッコリーを食べる狸』
(Raccoon eating broccoli with ramen noodles)

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Clownpiece is enjoying a bowl of steamed broccoli!

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. 『ブロッコリーの木』
(broccoli tree)

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. 『ブロッコリーの生えた木』
(Tree with broccoli)

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ma spesso non prestiamo attenzione neppure a piccoli gesti

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Eda is enjoying a bowl of steamed broccoli!

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Galaxy Angel II (Rune) is the next generation of angels. I love the relationship they have with the previous members. They do also have a great cast and their story is gold comedy and sweet romantic.

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Happy Birthday !! I wanted to try drawing Broccolina - I hope you like!! 🥺👉👈💚🥦✨🤡
Have a lovely day~

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"Il freddo infatti era venuto presto.
Si era a mezzo ottobre, e già, dall'altra parte della strada, le fronde dei piccoli tigli che contornavano il cimitero di Santa Maria erano ingiallite."

Thomas Mann
"I Buddenbrook"

🎨Van Gogh

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Macross Delta Zettai Love spoilers

GILF and his Broccoli

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Dalle onde della consapevolezza,
mi faccio cullare con dolcezza...
Serena e sicura affronto ogni paura.

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. 『緑色のカリフラワー 白色のブロッコリー』
(Green cauliflower White broccoli)

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