El Dr. Darren Pollock y su colega Yun Hsiao, nombraron a tres nuevos escarabajos australianos como: Binburrum articuno, Binburrum moltres, y Binburrum zapdos.

Yun explicó que los nombres fueron escogido por la rareza de la especie y su fanatismo hacia

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“The mountain’s rage is my rage!”🔥🌋💥

Last night, I drew the boss battle between Moltres and Team X-tinction from a previous stream I did of PMD: Rescue Team DX on

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Maybe starts with this one ^^"
Lugia and the birbs
23-07-2019 vs 03-01-2021 (but without Ho-Oh)

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Galarian Moltres: Wow, Galar, way to take my absolute least favorite legendary bird and turn it into a fucking beast. A+ from me. This is how you do it.

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As I always say, one impressive trio of legendary birds deserves another! ❄️⚡️🔥

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Pokemon related commission, my brain ceased to work so i completely forgot what this birb was called..

Moltres right galarian moltres, i remembered right before i hit post. Idk why this is important info.

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146 - Moltres
Type: Fire/Flying

Legendary bird POKéMON. It is said to migrate from the south along with the spring.

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Follow me for more pokefusions that should absolutely never exist! 🤗

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Y aquí os dejo tres postalitas de pokesanvalentin que espero que os gusten
Me habría gustado hacer más pero cero tiempo 😅
Gracias y a por su ayuda con las frases

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I’m an idiot for realizing this just now.


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I weigh the same as Moltres

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Let Beauty come out of Ashes 🔥
Happy Lunar New Year!😈🧧🌸

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Burning through your nightmares!
X Fusion!
It lulls people and pokemon to sleep. On moonless nights, it makes them dream horrific nightmares that leave them in a burning sweat. The burning gets consumed by its flames.

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bico fino....... também conhecido como moltres ou nº 146.....

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3. Necrozma, Lugia, Moltres, and Parasect have made the World Championship Top 8 the same number of times (Once)

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Galar legendary birds 💛

Like for Zapdos ⚡
Share for Articuno ❄️
Comment for Moltres 🔥

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