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空飛ぶスパゲッティ・モンスター教【Flying Spaghetti Monster/Pastafarianism】宗教の一つ。ID説(生物や宇宙は何者かに設計されたとする説)を公教育に持ち込むことを風刺するために、ボビー・ヘンダーソンが2005年に創始した。

119 887

Okay, I can explain. In my mind I thought *shudder* what if someone had pizza for hair. Then I thought about other Italian food. Then in a TV cartoon from maybe the 80s. Then... this. *puke*
And yes their skin is greasy.

4 12

TFW When you trip and your spaghetti falls out of your pocket in front of your homey and you become a wet noodle

44 217

Commission for

Eat the forbidden spaghetti

66 310

Peppino Spaghetti for sexyman 2023!!!

109 381

today I learned I suck at drawing spaghetti

171 1182

A rather popular customer appears...
Btw, I finally played the game and it's awesome.

19 87

Imagine if you could order a "happy meal" at Noisette cafe with Pizza Tower toys, this would be cool.

389 1522

Peppino Spaghetti.

3 4

Oh here's my Pizza Tower Sona (finished this time) she's Betty Spaghetti and she was a waitress on a rival restaurant who married Peppino after the game and had a billion children together

11 28

I just thought it would be fun to draw him.
Pizza Tower art everyone!

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