Gapernah bosan gambar Honda hehe ^///^

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Studio Trigger releases a new anime “BNA: Brand New Animal” on April 2020, by Gurren Lagann team (directed by Yoh Yoshinari and written by Kazuki Nakashima). A girl suddenly turns into a tanuki-human…

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HOW have I never seen this artwork?!
Yoh Yoshinari holy shit.

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Current favs in Hoshinari Echoes...
I'm still rerolling but I love these sons and daughters

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Yoh Yoshinari x Power Puff Girls is a thing of beauty!

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[Hoshinari echoes : upcoming]

Hoshinari echoes (星鳴エコーズ)
Language: Japanese
Release: Nov.27


*The characters are both female and male.

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リトルウィッチアカデミア x メタルギア

Chariot Du Nord

fyi , Yoji Shinkawa (Metal Gear designer / art illust ) are my fav artists beside yoshinari and sushio
so . . . i'll do some LWA x MGS illusts

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Et n'oublions pas le boss final des illustrations Gurren Lagann : Yoh Yoshinari

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Ici, la tâche a été partagée, Sung Jin Ahn (Titmouse) a signé le storyboard qui a été retravaillé par You Yoshinari qui a ensuite signé la réalisation / le chara design / l'animation chez TRIGGER.

*petite anecdote : Sung Jin Ahn a participé au storyboard du film Promare

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Profitons du passage de la saison pour s'attarder sur les petits projets que nous avions laissés de coté comme l'intro du jeu Indivisble (Lab Zero Games), produite par le studio américain Titmouse en collaboration avec TRIGGER...

Et surtout pour You Yoshinari à la réalisation !

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Key Animation: Yoh Yoshinari (吉成 曜)
Anime: Neon Genesis Evangelion (新世紀エヴァンゲリオン) (1995)

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Key Animation: Yoh Yoshinari (吉成 曜)
Movie: Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann: Lagann-hen (天元突破グレンラガン 螺巌篇) (2009)

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Kou Yoshinari (吉成 鋼) is one of the best FX animator in the industry, his 2D effects are so good that they are often confused with CGI FXs.
His fire FX in the Kizumonogatari trilogy are out of this world.

Source : Kizumonogatari I
Animator : Kou Yoshinari
Genga animation :

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An exciting, comic book style chase scene by Yoh Yoshinari for Dead Leaves! Here are some specific frames of our breakdown of the scene. Check out the rest, here:

Support FBF:

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Key Animation: Kou Yoshinari (吉成 鋼)
Anime: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha (魔法少女リリカルなのは) (2004)

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