💝 🌆 [ANNONCE YAOI] Dès le 27 septembre, Unohana nous livre une romance mélancolique qui nous transporte dans un Japon d'après-guerre à travers "Ginza Neon Paradise" : https://t.co/j3OBB122iy

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Principal Sam's Calendar:

August 9

The great author P. L. Travers was born on this day in 1899. She wrote the Mary Poppins books.

We have a character, Mrs. Travers, our librarian, in tribute to her.

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Comme d'habitude nous fait rêver. Cette fois-ci avec le vinyle du merveilleux Big Trouble in Little China de !
Pour rappel, une belle nouvelle édition du BR va arriver chez nous. D'abord à travers une campagne de crowdfunding.

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Antoon van Dyck fu pittore di corte di Carlo I d'Inghilterra dal 1632. Ne curò di fatto l'immagine pubblica attraverso numerosi ritratti che ne trasmettevano la maestà e la missione "divina" di cui si sentiva investito il monarca.

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Just one day left until you can traverse the magical lands of ! Get ready to launch your own story tomorrow!

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Just one day left until you can traverse the magical lands of ! Get ready to launch your own story tomorrow!

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Fan art do prefeito de Metro City: Cody Travers - Street Fighter V by

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Although a few of you may be concerned the marketplace (room space) is in the center of the convention's space meaning it needs to be traversed to go from any room to any other room, I was told many times by our very own Muh Mogma that "It builds character".

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"Thank you, for entrusting me."

--- --- ♚ --- ---

[Traverse Grandmaster] Harnier "Rufure" of House Nordion

◽ FEAwakening/Heroes
◽ Semi-detail
◽ Friendly RPer (...maybe?)

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Remember that one time back in Kingdom Hearts 1's traverse town with yuffie

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Amy has wandered off from the populated areas, traversing some deep forestation whilst thinking about her future plans. However, her thoughts are interrupted by a low hum. After a bit of searching, she's a little surprised. She gingerly wraps her fingers around her find.

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My Altria when traverse through sand on Camelot's singularity. Soon, she'll be facing the Lion King.

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J’ai activé ma super vision à rayons B (les "rayons B" ou "rayons Bellamy" permettent de voir à travers le tissu, sans occasionner d’irradiation nocive à la peau sensible des et en fait non, apparemment. :)

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Neo Nerliot 2036 est disponible pour tous en téléchargement gratuit dès maintenant !
Explorez Nerliot à travers les yeux de Robin, Aimée et Samuel dans une ville gorgée de secrets !
Dispo sur PC et Linux, plus d’infos sur la page.

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time! I only have 2 actually so this is Kalm. He was dropped in after his world fell and lost their memories. Tropey, I know but he's an old character and there are a few twists. Revamping his Keyblade atm.

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Nymgha : Protagoniste de l’histoire, c’est un ado heureux qui vit avec son grand-père. Il est plutôt réservé et assez naïf. Il possède des pouvoirs télépathiques et il apprendra à totalement les contrôler durant son aventure à travers l’Umitys.

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A new start in life,
no one is more proud than him,
Cheers, Mayor Travers.

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