画質 高画質

CLÍNICA DO SITE ? Website Illustrations: Clínica do Site is a company that offers services in online marketing and SEO analysis and optimisation for startups and SMEs, acting as a kind of health and medical center for online businesses. As part of its… https://t.co/27R03JKMc8

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Finishing up 🐭 🐭 I will be featuring my favourite illustrations, this is from 🎨🌍 Submit your art for a feature trainers!

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Them: The media can be biased! You can't trust the media!

Me: You're right, we should be skeptical. That's why I always go directly to the scientific journals when it comes to Science/Medical reporting. The most recent published data supports…

Them: [ninja smoke bomb escape]

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(グロ注意⚠) It hurts…

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White belt arts…No.7(白帯闘技7番)


まぁ…私、腕は無いんですけどww https://t.co/ckJtTTH5yR

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アニメ『ULTRAMAN』と、なんとNETFLIXで全世界配信予定の『攻殻機動隊 SAC_2045』の特別コラボが公開!

監督:神山健治 × 荒牧伸志、音楽:戸田信子 × 陣内一真、制作:Production I.G × SOLA DIGITAL ARTS……同一スタッフのご縁から奇跡のコラボが実現しました!


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揚げ焼きして、両面に焼き目をつけて…😸❣️ Fry shallow, brown the nuggets…

3 31

Aujourd’hui c’est de la dimension physique autour de l’autisme dont je souhaite vous parler. Car il est fréquent que des difficultés motrices et de coordinations prennent forment chez les personnes autistes. Cela peut s’apparenter sous beaucoup de traits… https://t.co/xHeriZscVy

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Though he claims not to be a rabbit, White never says more than necessary and is quite mysterious. He doesn’t seem to be too interested in what’s going on but is loyal to the true Alice. Will you be able to unlock his secrets…?⁠

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If you fancy it, https://t.co/5rzS3e72Ls is looking for creative responses to musical prompts… here is my third one! https://t.co/mCcf5Krb4B

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- Are you both crazy? How dare you come to my office with these…
- Requests… Kind requests… You can’t be the winner all the time!
- You both dead… My boys… will take good care of you.
- Ginger, let’s go. It’s getting late and our friend here already knows what he has to do.

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Avant La Première Leçon, il y eut les premiers secrets… Et une héroïne légendaire : la première inquisitrice ! Découvrez son histoire en numérique dans : La légende de Magda Searus sur : https://t.co/7YieAes8Qw

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①Broken Hearts…ハートが割れまくる。失恋エフェクト。
③fantasia easter rage…アホほど出る!だめ!w
④Halloween 2016…視聴覚室の暗幕下ろしてる時の埃。

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Omg the belts……‼️‼️‼️
That's……that's too much for me//////////////////nahhhhhhhh
Zenny the beast💖☃️

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Q:"A good amount of new characters show up this season - which of them is your favourite?"
A:”Shinra Banshoumaru! I made him chubbier than he is in the manga. His belly that sticks out, his short legs, his harem pants… Tachikawa-san told me I was going too far.

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"about tag": Put each other's names on their chests……Tsk.
Gulf: eat oranges? Eat me!
"about oranges", see the next tweet.

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はつゆきさくら 衣装出来ました…🌸🌸


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Tornado GR.4 1:32 scale - we are proud to show you some pictures of our 100% new scale model kit production moulds. In the next weeks we will share with you more and more pictures (plastics details, decal,assembly and painting tests…) to arrive to the release of our new kit.

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