Commissioned of my Octoling, Delta! The Dark Tetra Dualies are my favorite weapon even though it's about to get nerfed 😭.

Thanks for taking my commission it looks amazing!

1 10

本日より『#断罪者 - Tetragrammaton Labyrinth -』『#暴れん坊少納言』『#ほけんのせんせい』の3作品が配信スタートしました(`・ω・´)!

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15 17

The very first specimen that I ever cleared and stained, Aphyocharax anisitsi, a bloodfin tetra. Photographed it a few years later.

2 4

still annoyed about tetra/zelda's skin colour changing in ww so here's my princess zelda, thanks for coming to my ted talk

1 5

Doodled up a Tetramand character :U

(Can you guess who was my fav B10 alien)

31 212

Art Request: Looks like this inkling is trying out the Dark Tetra Dualies!

1 4

Sweet Roll, the Dark Tetra Dualies Octo

4 17

Rentable, écologique et stratégique ? Vendez tout ! D'ici 2022, Macron aura privatisé les plus grands barrages de France. !

233 169

Tetra and her pirates (The Wind Waker)

35 598

shadow mains the Dark Tetra Dualies

19 65

プレスリリース:#ボーイング がスポンサーを務める個人用飛行装置の国際コンテスト「GoFly」、第1期の受賞10チームを発表。日本から参加したチーム、teTraが選出され、アジア勢唯一の受賞となりました。 の皆さん、おめでとうございます。

47 71

(Had a bit of a... slow art week, but hey, I hope this one's good!) After the destruction of the original Pyramid Base, Mumja had an improved one built with a stronger Mecha Mode, in the form of Pyramid Base V2: The Tetradrome!

17 146

◎貴サークル「TETRAPOT」は、日曜日 西地区“れ”ブロック-60a に配置されました。

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The 'Legend of Tetra' takes the helm today, made using Photoshop by Senior CG Animator Dave Cleland

6 21

A VERY VERY good tetragon 2 done by

4 41

A problem with the Tetradrome's teleporter summons a young Cleocatra from another world! With (this world's) Cleocatra away, Mumja has no choice but to play Dad, but his mind stirs... What will the Blunders think about this?!

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