So next one for Thought I’d go topical. I doubt Dr Blasey Ford felt *anything* but on the inside, but her dignity was only emphasised by Kavanaugh’s lack of composure.

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When you promise to prevent Trump’s Supreme Court nominee even before anyone was named and sit on 36-yr old claims for six weeks — yes, many people will have doubts.

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I believe Dr. Christine Blasey Ford.

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Cartón demoledor de Bruce MacKinnon que resume lo que piensan muchos en esta capital -y en muchos puntos del país- después de atestiguar las audiencias en el Senado de EU con Christine Blasey Ford y Brett Kavanaugh, nominado por la Casa Blanca a la Suprema Corte de Justicia

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Dr. Ford's testimony was moving, guileless and absolutely credible. I believe her. Then, when Kavanaugh came out, it devolved into a bunch of angry white men screaming about Democratic conspiracies.

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Spent the day plugged into the hearing today. testimony has so many women today recounting and reliving their experiences with sexual assault.

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“Brett’s assault drastically affected me throughout my life” - Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifies about the sexual assault she allegedly endured from Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

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Growing up in Japan, we had uniform since kindergarten.
Yellow hat with elastic chin belt, navy blaser and matching pants/skirt, bright yellow pochette, crisp-ironed handkerchief pinned on chest with safety pin.

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Mein Engel-Oc Sen!
Ich habe am längsten an den Seifenblasen gesessen, glaub ich! X'DD Aber ich mag den Schnuffel!

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designing bots-
Blase and Neris are an adorable duo VvV

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