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Trump and the Kavanaugh fiasco - cartoon in today’s @nzherald #KavanaughHearings #ChristineBlaseyFord #BrettKavanaugh #Trump #TrumpPressConference #metoo
Cartoon for October 3. #KavanaughHearings #KavanaughConfirmation #ChristineBlaseyFord #TrumpRally #misogyny
When you promise to prevent Trump’s Supreme Court nominee even before anyone was named and sit on #ChristineBlaseyFord’s 36-yr old claims for six weeks — yes, many people will have doubts. #KavanaughConfirmation @POTUS @DonaldJTrumpJr @seanhannity @IngrahamAngle @rushlimbaugh
Let's illustrate some heroes, live now...
@Twitch @TwitchCreates @MetabombDesigns
#BelieveSurvivors #BelieveWomen #IStandWithChristineBlaseyFord
Dr. Ford's testimony was moving, guileless and absolutely credible. I believe her. Then, when Kavanaugh came out, it devolved into a bunch of angry white men screaming about Democratic conspiracies. #DrChristineBlaseyFord #DrFord #Kavanaugh #Trump #LindsayGraham
Spent the day plugged into the hearing today. #ChristineBlaseyFord testimony has so many women today recounting and reliving their experiences with sexual assault. #ibelieveher #webelieveher #believechristine #webelievesurvivors #metoo @womensmarch #stopkavanaugh #illustration