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Drawn in 30 seconds #LindseyGraham #Abortion #Women #WomensRights #AbortionBan #Republicans #ProChoice #Timelapse
Bill Bramhall, The New York Daily News @BillBramhall #LindseyGraham
The first rule of Abortion-Ban Club is you don't talk about Abortion-Ban Club. #AbortionBan #Abortion #LindseyGraham #GOP #Republicans #ProChoice #WomensRights #Women #Midterms #Vote #VoteBlueToProtectWomen
Ann Telnaes, The Washington Post (2019) @AnnTelnaes #lindseygraham
John Cole, The Scranton Times-Tribune @ColeToon
#lindseygraham #Compromised
Bob Englehart, @BobEnglehart #LindseyGrahamIsADisgrace
Threatening riots in the streets if Trump is prosecuted, even indicted, is giving MAGAts a license to do just that.
#SouthCarolina @AhearnColeen https://t.co/liB1nKb44P
Graham is slipping away from his responsibility to tell the truth.
#lindseygraham #January6th #Trump #testimony #Senate #news #USA #GOP #art #cartoon @AAEC_Cartoonist @claytoonz @knecessary @jkr_on_the_web @mstone1104
@LindseyGrahamSC John McCain made you a human being! 4 years later, a conman made you an insurrection sympathizer!
Lindsey Graham's word is his bond. #EditorialIllustration #LindseyGraham #Illustration
With Trump on his way out who will Lindsey Graham buddy up with next to stay relevant. Before Trump it was John McCain. Makes you wonder who the next ‘larger than life’ figure will be that Graham will glob on to to avoid fading into the background. #LindseyGraham #trump #senate
Cartoon for November 1. #LindseyGraham #LIndseyGrahamSC #LindseyGrahamIsLosing
With shameless hypocrisy #LindseyGraham & #GOPSenate proceed with #AmyConeyBarret #SCOTUS nomination due to her "deep & wide understanding of the law." Huh?
- Translation:
- Goodbye #WomensRights #GayRights #ACA
- Hello #ClimateDenial
Archival @BennettCartoons
RT @cartoonistgroup
Four cartoons from my first two weeks of *daily* visual snarks for @ProjectLincoln.
Which have been your favorites? Tell me—I’ve got a lot more of these to go! 🇺🇸
#cartoon #BidenHarris2020 #LincolnProject #LindseyGrahamIsLosing
My cartoon, "Plinth of Piety" could be his Downfall #LindseyMustGo #LindseyGraham #SCOTUShearings #Election2020 #PackingTheCourt @MaggieJordanACN @cartoonistgroup @NatCartoonSoc #ProjectLincoln @ProjectLincoln #RepublicansForBiden #RepublicansAgainstTrump #USSenate @MarkWarner
Why is Lindsey refusing to get a COVID test?
Cartoon from this week for @ProjectLincoln.
#LindseyGrahamHasCovid #LindseyIsPositive #COVID__19 #coronavirus
@lindseygrahamsc has a long history with being an Anti-LGBTQA+ Senator, while in his spare time using male escort services and forcing them to sign NDAs. They say he went by the name #LadyG
#lindseygraham #apiginawig
Shout out to the brave sex workers facing a very difficult decision today #LindseyGraham #ladyg #flimsyham #happyending
#ImpeachmentTaskForce #LindseyGraham
Good ole gurl Lindsie offers impeachment advice to Donald.