I loved this boy when I was baby

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Okay... I guess I might as well. I don't even think this counts because it was an edutainment game. But many many many years ago, I crushed on Android XL2, aka, Botley the Robot from JumpStart 3rd Grade.

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Ah yes. The guy who started my addiction to protective jokesters and bad boys with a sassy sense of humor. <3

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My preteen self was all over this dude. They were my favorite games on the PS2!

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at 9 years old, i got my Brother's SNES with tons of games.
first game i played from the pile was SMB of course
but then i played Chrono Trigger and i loved it, had a crush on Marle
Then Earthbound and i had a crush on Ness (or was it Paula? 🤔)

tl:dr Marle

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- Chun Li (Started with SF2, loved her in a time where Asian representation in American culture was nonexistent)
- Serena and Darien (yes, both of them, and yes their NA names because that's what I grew up on)
- Trent from Daria (bc duh)

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My Uhhh.... does the cartoon version of Sabrina count?

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was gonna say i dont think i had until i remembered that i absoloutly did

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i did earlier, and i think my was either Cynthia from Pokemon Diamond or Rouge from Sonic Heroes. how anyone was surprised by me coming out is a mystery.

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If you knew my tumblr as gymleadermorty you’re a real one

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these characters are all completely different from each other but still all say so much about me as a person

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This is my first (and only...trust me. ONLY!!!) Video game crush...
I love Metal Slug 3 because I can go to save her against an army of aliens and a lot of clones...just for her....

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