In process of adjusting all my characters for Unity 5.

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BraaaaaaainZ/#! The model is just about ready. :)

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This is the last one. Now I just gotta get em ready for the

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Update on Guns coming soon. 9mm Gun + separated trigger, forend, cylinder. Shoot and recharge!

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From Halloween straight to X-mas. Still under symmetry but I'm pretty much done with the model.

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Santa character time! 3 days without the internet at work.. It ain't easy being me.

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Quick fix of a crow. Now back to rig the Scarecrow. :)

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Tropical island submitted for review. :) Can't wait for it to be on!

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NeW!!! 2D Death Traps Asset is pending for

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Worked on some clothes today. Not my favorite part. Meh.

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Base texture for the beard and eyebrows + more details to the face.

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