you wanna know something really precious that I adore? this extremely beautiful detail of the visible chub when Eggman sits back. he is very soft with that squishy tummy hgufhsnjdghsjgsg,,, I want to hug and kiss him! 💜

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This is how I'd imagine a scenario with Belle meeting her...father would go....I can't wait for them to meet. :3 (I know. I'm cruel. LOL!)

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A stobotnik art and matching cupid-badnik, both formerly patreon-exclusive stickers.

9 22

they should do more perspective shots like these in IDW Sonic because I'm so in love, he’s extremely beautiful from every angle hfghdngkdjg 💜💕💖💘💞💗


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Все началось с неприятия к другу командира базы. С девчонки, которая пришла в группу, не зная ничего о работе наемников. Вражда сменилась принятием. И из углей выросло пламя.

2 37


It all started with the rejection towards the base commander's friend. With a girl who came to the group without knowing anything about the work of mercenaries. Hatred gave way to acceptance. And out of the coals grew a flame.

3 37

I think it's about time we revealed the big guy himself... Here's our version of Dr. Julian Robotnik! With some kind of weird electric chicken on his arm... I think we're gonna call him Scratch!

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Part 8!8️⃣🎆
Hooray! Finally I finished it!! Well, almost! There is one image left of those two together, which I will be posting tomorrow! They must be happy!💜✨

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The pose is kinda stiff and awkward but oh well here is my version of corrupted father Ivo for

5 24

Parody ending to issue 29 of

XD Sonic shouldn't have sent the metal virus into the sun! LOL!

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