Saw dream where I was drawing traditional so I turned that dream real!! Yay!
They are messy but were fun to do!

People I did fanarts for!
@.Lyssanah @.zathurnalina @.harles_bently

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This week in our series we bring to you the of

Which of these creature(s) of the wild have you illustrated/photographed/written about? Tag us to share.

Radha Pennathur

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fathur : "pacarnya kartun"

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On we celebrate our national animal – its role as an apex predator and the impact it has had on the human consciousness for ages.

Art: Radha Pennathur


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This week in our series we bring you the state symbols of Have you photographed/illustrated/written about any of these? If yes, tag us!
Art: Radha Pennathur

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// bright colors, possible eye strain

Hello! I’m Philip and I draw mcyt stuff :D! Maybe spare 6 for 700? Go follow Zathura too!!

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Here are some of my illustrated portraits of Darrathur Kjarrsson, Stormcaller, Herald of Kavesk. Human cleric in a long-running Pathfinder campaign

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