I thought I was done, but might as well go intricate, might as well go all out for transition's sake.

sequentialist problems lel

1 3

Come find me 22-23 September at - Table 211, ComiXology Marquee - for:

5 19

Seagull existentialism

412 1000

The Existentialist
Loui Jover
ink, gouache

17 34

【OED】resistentialism: 物は人間に対して敵意を抱いているというユーモラスな仮説。児童書作家、ポールジェニングスが作った造語です(イラスト )

9 14

OED Word of the Day on Paul Jennings' 100th birthday: resistentialism, n. (image by ) https://t.co/WOSaS699Dt

27 54

Panini - "On va chouchouter ces titres" : un thriller mondial exceptionnel, un punch graphique qui fracture des rétines et une audacieuse quête existentialiste.

0 5


66 276

Just the existentialism. Fuck me up fam

0 1

Améliorations sur le Skinator https://t.co/fSXtA2kjzf

-Ajout de la panoplie Nata 🎉
-Ajout de la catégorie "Sac" 🎒
-Ajout du tri croissant et des niveaux sur les items ↗️
-Ajout du bouton de réinitialisation de la recherche par couleur ❎

4 13

No phones. No homework. No note-taking. No escape. Welcome to Religious Studies 256: “Existential Despair.” https://t.co/eNjHQCr40h 🎨 by

1 5

A genre-bending story with existentialism to spare, ' Eternity Girl is a must-read for fans of emotionally aware science fiction REVIEWS https://t.co/jrBCBgum2n

8 14

Painter2018 installation quantity limit cancelled.
With this, initialisation work at this time completed.
I did it!

0 1

Daily - Day
A tribute to & both born on Feb 19th.
Copernicus was the Renaissance-era astronomer who theorized Sun at the center of the universe.
Fontana was an painter who was known for simply making slashes on canvas for

4 4

Just thinking about Sartre and existentialism while these beautiful anime people are flying around slicing robots.

0 1

How did the ECMWF weather model temperature anomaly forecast perform for 2 weeks out? Model initialised 4 Dec and valid for 11-17 Dec. Not bad?

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