Well 2018 may be over but there are still sooooo many debut books for you to discover. We covered so many (24!) at Broken Frontier that they go on to a second page of articles here! https://t.co/1ZmxfLkgWm Check out some splendid new TB launch comics.

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...also if you are looking for any pin-ups, covers, bonus for your comics project, drop by our table for a chat, I'm interested. - table 7, OriginalsMarquee

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My new book ‘The Needleman’ from (and a selection of prints) are ready and waiting for you at this years ! Come say hi… I’m in the Originals Marquee, table 61.

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So excited for tomorrow!!! I’ll be at table 134b in the Comixology Marquee!! 🤗📚

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This year released some wonderful titles, like https://t.co/QHcJOX8paD, https://t.co/wPRSNxOjSg & https://t.co/uRsaqqiFOw. Great books that joined the ranks of HARKER, WHITE KNUCKLE & N-GUARD. Visit https://t.co/bRalNp4WJW & find your next book.

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This weekend let the cat babysit Granny, throw on your best party slippers/boots & join us at A Grand Day Out for the whole family, is 1 of the gems of the UK con calendar & will be in the venue all weekend. Come say ‘Hello’

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Quick reminder I’ll be at in Leeds this weekend, some please come by and say hello if you want!

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We look at 's delightful all-ages WELCOME TO ODDLEIGH from today at BF as part of our Thought Bubble coverage and at this point in our exhaustive rundown we're too tired to say anything more than "It's ace! Buy it!" https://t.co/d3GuhTq6u7

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Give yourself a mental mind f*ck at with some seriously chilling titles. produce some of the most spine tingling graphic novels available today, but we can also have some B-Movie fun as well. Come & join us in in the Marquee Sept 22nd & 23rd.

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It's nearly I'll have copies of P M Buchan's HANGOVER on sale, an anthology of horror & horror-comedy strips created with artists including ('s PUNKS NOT DEAD), (' CREEPY) & the amazing .

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From Extraversal to Afterlife Inc., from 7STRING to Cat and Meringue, we're bringing the thunder at this year. Come find us in the Comixology Marquee, Table 190. We'll see you there.

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You may have seen Afterlife Inc. in the Indie Mega Sale, among the Best-Sellers and Fan Favorites - now come see us in the Comixology Marquee at - Table 190!

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And we'll have & 's comedic KNIGHT & DRAGON with us as well, on tables in the Ask For Mercy Marquee . An all-ages, CYOA inspired story, more details of which can be found here: https://t.co/rieodruXsp

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Start your shopping early (yeah, we went there) , will have titles to suit every taste and every pocket. While you're at it, treat yourself too!

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GLORIOUS WRESTLING ALLIANCE goes GLORIOUS WRESTLING APOCALYPSE in the latest GWA issue by . Another Thought Bubble review at BF: https://t.co/4mBIp2Vcx3 Oh and potential publishers? Why haven't you snapped this up yet?

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Here’s some artwork I’ll be taking as Giclee prints to this Saturday and Sunday (I’ll be in the Originals Marquee, table 61).

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"This one NEEDS to be on your must-buy list at Thought Bubble this coming weekend." We look at 's new horror comics anthology STICKY RIBS today at BF here: https://t.co/VFB4jVgUNx

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You know what's coming! Yep... more Thought Bubble reviews coverage. We look at the group's WORK anthology chock full of comics on the world of employment here: https://t.co/e4a0OqXDSB This is supportive comics community at its best.

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We have a very special pre-Thought Bubble and Broken Frontier Drink and Draw this Thursday Sep 20th. Join our and Gosh's as we welcome ace guest artists and to our D&D community! https://t.co/HGTrL3p6Uv

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