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『Nice to meet music vol.4』

OA: pieni norsu

◇open 18:30/start 19:00

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➡️Vues pyramide n°1 de Lepsius,1849-59
➡️Carte d'AbouRawash, Lepsius
Pyramide inachevée, NE de nécropole sud d'AR. Hauteur estimée:107-150 m. Base=215 m.
Date discutée:/e/3e et6e dyn
Superstructure= grad1 briques crues
Appart. funérR proche pyr. Djédefrê. Chambre funérR souterr1

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➡️Pyramide d'El-Lahun et carrières de Tura. Monuments d'Égypte& d'Éthiopie
Karl Richard Lepsius (1810-84) égyptologue, linguiste alld
1842-45: expédition en Égypte. Étudie pyramide de Gizeh,Ṣaqqārah, Thèbes, Deir el-bahari, Medinet Abou, Philae, Abou Simbel, Tell el Amarna,Méroé

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ヤマトウロコアリ(Pyramica japonica)

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[blood] pyramid head doodle 🤪

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New pickup. New International Track & Field (DS). A fun and cheap ($8 new) game by developer Sumo Digital. They've included a nice selection of hidden characters such as Simon Belmont, Trigger, Pyramid Head, Snake, Sparkster, and more. Funny commercial. https://t.co/9pWkrONbLV

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Cleopatra...Egyptian queen of queens. Was she guided by aliens and was her involvement with the Roman Empire preplanned?

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Saw this going around so I thought I'd join in.
Danny. And Sam, of course.
Either Dracula or Jackie. I played both at the same time 😯 Actually no, scratch that. Definitely Pyramid Head 😆

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10 yr old me: [sees this pyramid nose bastard] wow...........handsome

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Meet my new child.
She loves conspiracy theories.
Her nickname is Spiri and. Lookit them cat socks.

Also. Her cutiemark is a ufo buildings the pyramids xD
I love her.
I love all my 1am-5am creations

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Daily - Day 05-17-19
This is a tribute to (Apr 26, 1917 - May 16, 2019),
w/ an impressionist style painting of him superimposed w/ two of his famous works:
in Paris &
in Hong Kong
(#15,604 / /

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Perfect stream filled with a pyramid, dragons, spooky hotel, a spy, and a crazy alien boss monster. I cannot wait to visit the Sleepy Forest. We send the starfield over to for some Super Smash Bros. fun. See you all soon for Neverwinter Friday!

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walk past Egypt's Great Pyramids of Giza 🌴🐂☁️

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💀El horror bajo la pirámide💀
💀The horror under the pyramid💀

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U is for Umm Kulthum
dubbed as "The voice of Egypt"and "Egypt's fourth pyramid".

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