character sheet for chaoticbooklesbian on tumblr of their character Anouk and their kitty Shomer. Arn’t they so cute? 🐈

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Inktober day 10, pattern.
Oh look its like my only female D&D character, Arn pls don't trip before your even adventure begins.

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💖 approximately me when Arn Anderson appeared at TO SPINEBUSTER A MOTHERFUCKER!!! 💖

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Però la part positiva és que ens trobem amb l’Eugènia del i la seva família! Ohhh! Quina coincidència!😄
Finalment ha conegut en persona a l'Arn, el protagonista d'unes tires que hi publiquem😁

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only one I have a recent picture of is Myujin lmao I guess Arn would be too but he's Na's boyfriend, though he's bisexual so it counts!

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Thanks for the chance!
Funny thing, the end date falls on my birthday lol
Also hope it's ok my refs arn't sfw

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My Heavymetal x Demon couple ! < 3 Arn't they cute? There story will be up soon~

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Roaming Jenova and stumble across the adorable . Arn't they so adorable 🥰

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is back already?!

I'm Anh (pronounced 'Arn' like Arnold but without the 'old') Currently a freelance Graphic Designer + aspiring Illustrator from London. :)

Many thanks for looking!


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“Hey guys,listen to me sing!”

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Quim&Arn, arribem al !
Quina sensació més divertida ser protagonista d'unes tires!
O bé, vaja, essent realistes, comparsa del protagonista, més aviat...

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Encara que jo intenti dissimular, de fet, el protagonista és l'Arn, el meu personatge només és la comparsa... 😄 🐶

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Arriben nous personatges de a A en , autor de l'#Ornis, ja el coneixeu, oi? Ara us presentem el seu amic pelut, l'Arn. A partir d'aquest número, descobrireu que la rutina d'aquest parell és plena de moments divertits!

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“I’ve never felt as safe or as warm as I do when I’m in your arms” - Arn x Anala

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