Its no secret of what my beliefs are..but I am a doggo with a Tainted Halo who is still a Believer to this day. Despite everything I go through... 🤍

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me and matt comparing and contrasting notes on our different sects of christianity while both being extremely ex-christian

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Man, my SFW portfolio is pretty limited, but at least or try and cure autism by praying, or scam people to create a program meant to convert children to Christianity, or leech off of the talent of other industry professionals to get ahead, or-

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Valentine's day is an anniversary of . He is said to be a christianity priest who existed in Rome in the 3rd century.
People believe that Valentine's day has been started to celebrate St Valentine's anniversary.

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Not gonna lie theyre converting me to Christianity

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We need to separate the ‘MAGISTERIUM’ from the MAGICAL.

In other words, leave behind the dogmatism, literalism and repressive power structures of the past and embrace the numinous, mystical dimensions of Christianity and accept personal gnosis.

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I fell down a rabbit hole of videos about Christianity in the Middle Ages and biblically accurate representations of things. First up, cherubim angel

My drawing on the left, reference on the right

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"From the 6 hour there was darkness over all the land unto the 9 hour" What happens when you turn a 6 upside down? "Surely YOUR turning of things UPSIDE DOWN shall be esteemed as the Potter's clay" YT

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As today is the feast day of St Agnes, patron saint of young girls , how apt to invoke her today. After all her symbols are a lamb and the In Christianity, the palm branch is associated with Jesus' Triumphal Entry on Palm Sunday. 🌿

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Why is there an angel holding a suit of skin in Michelangelo's painting at the Sistine Chapel. Why is the hand of god inside of a male 'member' & hiding the face of a witch? Are you even curious? YT

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Spot on mate.
MAGA have completely reinvented Jesus.
Absolutely nothing to do with Christianity.

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"Gifted to Give"

The Catholic Church in the Philippines celebrates 500 years of Christianity. “Gifted to Give”, taken from Matthew’s Gospel (10:8), is the theme for the celebration.

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Mithras was a version of the God Mithra & was widely worshipped in a religion called the Mithraic mysteries. Worshippers were called syndexioi, (united by the handshake) & met in underground temples, (mithraeum). Mithraism rivalled Christianity for a time

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Christianity X Roman Empire

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I waited and they didn't show up... 👟👟
Does your country celebrate the arrival of the Three Wise Men? 🤴🏻🤴🏽🤴🏿💫

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In our Christianity and Rome's Legacies Unit, kids learn about the early days of The New Testament and religious turmoil in Rome. Read today:

0 0 Thirty Ways to Pray Without Really Praying: for the weary.

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